Sorry it took so long to get back to everyone. [quote=ActRaiserTheReturned] He has Hank's son too. ;) [/quote] Hank has a son? o.o [quote=ActRaiserTheReturned] Also, just so I'm clear, this Beast isn't smart like X-Men's Beast? [/quote] He's smart, he just doesn't have any formal education. he didn't go to college or even high school. [quote=Grammar Nazi] Oh, yay, another victim! Yippee!Another quick question... Since we're so short on active members, could we possibly think about adding a few short-term characters? Just some random ones that anyone can play as long as they stick to the basic personality and powers. It could add a little more the story. Maybe when GG gets back from his break? EDIT: I was actually thinking... Maybe I could make a bad guy? I could bring him/her in with the dragon, group Feraliss and Tyrian as a single unit, and play the bad guy on the side? I can handle it. [/quote] When it comes to combining Feraliss and Tyrian so you can make another character I don't think I can do that, but if you want to make up an NPC villain that anyone can control then you can and if you ask people not to use him so that only you can then I think they might comply. I put up the two character rule and even though we are low on active members we still have more than some other RPs so I don't think I can break it unless someone drops out. EDIT: ActRaiserTheReturned, If you want Hank to come to the gauntlet islands you'll have to come get him, he doesn't keep in contact with his family and didn't know he had a son so ther disappearance would go unnoticed.