((Time to break out Hanks anger issues. Part of his mutation, like the original Hank, is that when he becomes enraged he becomes feral and uncontrollable)) [b]Hank McCoy[/b] Hank groans and falls from the wall, landing on a car. The roof of the car collapses around him and he groans again. Hank slowly gets to his feet and climbs down from the car, he doesn't think anything is broken from the impact but it sure as hell hurt. He walked toward Feraliss and as he got closer and the pain faded slightly he growled, his pupils had become slits and his teeth were bared. Hank breathed quickly and tried to calm himself but couldn't do it, he felt himself slipping away for the first time in months and broke out into a run, barreling full speed toward Feraliss' restrained form. Nothing would keep him from his chosen prey now that he was feral.