[b]FERALISS / TYRIAN[/b] Feraliss screamed, bubbling through the liquid fire surrounding her muzzle. Pain ripped through her body as Hank's sank into her snout. Her left claw ripped through the asphalt, creating a crater in the street, as her right arm ripped free of the binding. She couldn't reach her snout, but at least she had some freedom. "HANK, NO!" Tyrian shouted, and he elbowed him in the gut, breaking his aim. Tyrian spread his wings and knocked Hank off of Alissa's snout. Enraged, Feraliss tried again to breathe fire from between her teeth. The superheated rock gave way and her head snapped up, mouth snapped open, and she released a stream of flames into the air, licking just past Tertia. She turned back to Hank and swiped her head down toward him, headbutting him into the building across the street from the one he'd fallen from. "ALISSA, NO, STOP!" Tyrian called. He waved his arms wildly, attracting her attention. She stared at him, then opened her jaw and released a stream of fire toward him, redirecting it toward her left front claw. She superheated the rock and released herself from its grip. Before she had time to turn on the strips that bound her hind legs and tail, Tyrian flew up and grabbed her muzzle. She swung her head sharply back and forth, but Tyrian held fast with a vice grip around her jaws to keep her mouth shut.