Eleanor heard a faint mutter of people around her, and slowly opened her eyes, the snooze she had made her feel refreshed and relieved the pain from her forehead. The ice pack she was holding against it was now some warmish mush in a bag. She slowly sat up from her legs tucked into her stomach position and placed both feet onto the floor gently. She yawned loudly and stretched her arms out as wide as she could. As she looked by the front there were many people, 'I didn't know this many people were coming?' she asked herself, before searching the crowd of people for Raven, hmm no sign of her. She stood up and walked slightly closer to see if she was hiding behind one of the tall boys but that wasn't the answer either. "Is Raven here yet?" she tugged at Diana's sleeve and rubbing her eye at the same time almost like some preschooler.