ALWAYS OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In a World of Talking Goats, Violent Goblins, Magical People, Steam Powered machines, and Beer ( don't forget the beer! ), Who are you, and how do you fit into this world? ( This is my first RP, so go easy on me ) This Rp focuses on Character Development and Character Driven Story arcs, and the posting size can be anything from one sentence to 3 miles long. There are Three main Races you may choose from, including: [hider=Ancient Goat] Being the oldest race, The Ancient Goats are the Smartest. They look just like a normal Earth Goat. Their Intelligence is unrivaled by the other two races. They are also known for their Telekinesis abilities, which is how they build their great Steam-Powered Machines. [u]PRO[/u] [list] [*]Great Intelligence[/*] [*]Telekinesis[/*] [*]Being a Goat[/*] [*]Access to Steam-Powered Machines[/*] [/list] [u]CONS[/u] [list] [*]Can't Pick up things without Telekinesis[/*] [*]Physical abilities are limited to the Physical abilities of a Goat.[/*] [/list] [/hider] [hider=SpellBorn] The Spell Born The Spell Born are the most "Human-like" of all of the races. Having pure magic (or made of it) They can apply magic to almost every thing they do. Their eyes Glow the color of The element they are closest to, which is how they use magic. [u]PROS[/u] [list] [*]The Usage of Magic[/*] [*]Night Vision[/*] [*]Magic Detection[/*] [/list] [u]CONS[/u] [list] [*]Can only use The element they are closest to, or Best at.[/*] [*]Using magic is physically draining, putting strain on the body[/*] [*]Those Glowing eyes are Creepy[/*] [/list] [/hider] [hider= Goblin] Goblins are the Strongest of all the races. And the most gullible. They will fight for anything, as long as they're fighting for something. [u]PROS[/u] [list] [*]Strength[/*] [*]Speed[/*] [*]Small, great for Thieves[/*] [/list] [u]CONS[/u] [list] [*]Lowest Intelligence [/*] [*]Fight for ANYTHING[/*] [*]attracted to Ale, gets drunk easly[/*] [/list] [/hider] User Made Races! You may Rp as these. [hider=Kobolds] Kobolds are a race of reptilian humanoids that live in caves and stand about 4 feet tall and weigh about 40 pounds. People say they smell like a cross between wet dog and stagnant water, but that's just because they don't bathe. They live in tribes and dig out complex tunnel systems in whatever cave they have found themselves in, these tunnels need to constantly expand because of their extremely fast reproduction. Kobolds are omnivores and are definitely not picky eaters. They can digest bark, dirt, leather, eggshells, or their own younger siblings if they're desperate enough. They are considered mature adults at 9 years old and can live to be up to 135 years old. [b]PROS[[/b] [list] [*]Good at building traps and ambushes.[/*] [*]They are the fastest runners, better to run away from an ambush gone horribly wrong than stay and get dead quick.[/*] [*]A sense of community?[/*] [b]CONS[/b] [*]Kobolds typically aren't too bright.[/*] [*]They are easily killed in battle.[/*] [*]Being reptiles they have to eat 3x the normal amount when they are cold or they will die.[/*] [/list] [/hider] [hider=Steam Sentinel] Steam Sentinels, or SS, are a mechanized race of machines initially made to keep the peace between the three main races. all 3 races had a part in making the G1's as there called. Goats made the programing, spellborn made the body's, and goblins made the metal alloy that they were made of. G1 appearance [img=] after 57 years of this, the G1's decided that they would live away from the races for the sake of the less powerful G2's and G3's. three years later they set up an island city that is now the SS hub. G3 [img=] With the recent turmoil going on with the race's, they have sent a group of 50 SS units to observe, assess and solve the situation and remain there for however long it will take until peace is a result. The group is of the 15'th generation police, and are also trying to have the Goats help the later generations by making a new code for them. G15 [img=] SS core [img=] color can change based one substance used. [u]PROS[/u] [list] [*]Need no Resources.[/*] [*]Skilled with a Arm Weapon[/*] [*] Made of metal[/*] [/list] [u]CONS[/u] [list] [*]Every 36 hours need to power down for 8. (In Game time.) [/*] [*]Can't Use any weapons that isn't on their arm, other than a sword[/*] [*]Has at least 3 Code Errors/ Defects* [/*] [/list] * When making a CS of this Character, please stat these. [/hider] [hider= Iric] The Iric are a mysterious race, only appearing in stories of goblins. They resemble that of an upright bear, and have a lot of force behind their strikes PROS [list] [*] Very strong[/*] [*] resistant to fire [/*] [*] able to access their ancestors to gain abilities [/*] [/list] Cons [list] [*] a territortical race [/*] [*] rushes into battle [/*] [/list] [/hider] [hider=Ogre] [b]Ogres[/b] Large grey-skinned brutes about 1.5x the size of humans, physically powerful but unable to use any form of magic, and without any grasp of math or literacy. While they have a functioning animal cunning, they simply cannot grasp such complex concepts as mechanics or any form of science. They are loyal and tough, despite their limitations, and usually have an incredibly simple world view, however their nature has made most races regard them as inferior. Ancient Goats and Spellborn alike treat them like beasts of burden, paying them in food, using them both to smith and mine metals, or occasionally as prize warriors in arenas. A slave race, without even being aware of it, accepting their life in imprisonment without question. Ogres are much like wolves, or dogs, in their social structure. They value strength and fitness above all, as well as the ability to lead. They are loyal to one another and the clan, seeing the survival of the clan as the greatest good. Ogres that die are eaten by others of the clan, their body and mind returning to the communal spirit of the tribe, sacrificing all to ensure the survival of others. Any Ogre will gladly die for the safety of the clan, and any who would turn against the clan are seen as outcasts, and either killed or banished, depending on the individual clan. Other beings are usually seen as superior, besides Goblins, who are believed to be distant cousins of the Ogres, and the Ogres regard them as annoying nuisances. Pros: - strength and durability cons: - Large size - mentally impeded - socially disregarded through bias and slavery. - strong code of honor. [/hider] An ADVANCED race, Do you guys want it in the RP? just tell me. [hider= Dragoth] The Dragoth Species/Race -- Physical Characteristics -- Other then the following, Dragoth are Human in appearance. Hair - Colors range from white to light blonde, and light shades of blue, gray, green, purple, and pink. Very rarely light reds. Never black or brown. Eyes - Come in all colors of the rainbow. Many have vertical [url=]slit pupils[/url], or [url=]no pupils[/url] at all. [url=]Heterochromia[/url] is not very rare to see in the Dragoth race. Skin - Skin colors range from white, Ivory, pale, alabaster, peaches, light tans, and in some of the old noble families darker beige. Under moonlight Dragoth people have a slight glow to there skin. On nights of the new moon (no Moon in sky) Dragoth skin glows silvery, and a pattern of scales [url=]appears[/url], until the sun breaks the horizon. Blood - Dragoth Blood is blue in color and also is the most deadly poison in the world. Half-Dragoth -- One parent of Dragoth race, and the other not, equals half-bloods. They are born sterile, and appearance wise look completely human, with few Dragoth traits. They can speak dragon like the Dragoths, but no other magical like things are inherited. There blood is purple in color and has healing properties when drank, and is used as an antidote to all poisons. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Basic Info - Dragoths are not affected by any poisons. Typical life span is to age 120 - 130 years old. When bound to a dragon add 400 years. They are only race that can understand and speak to dragons (this is done telepathically) The Dragoth people can form a sacred bond with a dragon, if the dragon chooses so. With this bond their life span become much longer and the ageing process slows dramatically. They are cold blooded in the same way as reptiles so they live in the desert heat rather easily. They are known for being fast, agile, very flexible, with quick reflexes and abilities to see in the dark. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Magic - There are many different abilities unique to the Dragoth Race, though out of the list of abilities, each dragoth person only has up to Two of them. Some magic and abilities are as follows: - Chameleon Camouflage - Control and manipulation of fire/lava/heat - High Stamina - Summoning of snakes that can be made to attack. - Omnilingualism: Can speak, write, understand and communicate in any language. - Retractable fangs that secrete a venom that can be deadly to some, but mainly just paralyzes the victim for a number of hours. - Rapid Healing - Dream walking: user is capable of entering the dreams of others. - Limb Regrowth - Pain Immunity - Shapshifting into a lizard/snake/falcon/hawk/frog - Elasticity: to stretch, deform, expand, or contract one's body into any form imaginable. - Hair Manipulation: user has complete control over their own hair, allowing them to freely alter, grow out, chance texture, color, etc. They hair can be made to be whip-like and used as a weapon. - Enhanced Senses All Dragoth have the abilities of casting magic (Like a Witch with spells and potions). Some are stronger then others. Plam, crystal ball, and tarot card reading, is a big part of their native culture. Magic Potion brewing, spell casting, curses, hexes, scrying, and Divination among other magics is a daily part of their lives. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- * Modern Dragoths live mainly all around the Desert and Jungle areas alongside the other races, and follow the typical human cultural and Traditions. So the following does not apply to them very much. ------------------------- * Native Dragoth's are nomadic and follow their ancient ways, and traditions of the Dragoth people. -Dress - Traditional Dragoth clothing is a mix of Egyptian, Grecian, and Asian style. Beading and embroidery are a big part of the typical female clothes. -Foods - Animal Foods - Javelina, dove, quail, snake, weasel, Deer, Tortoise, Hare, Addax, Bighorn Sheep, Ostrich, and Emu meat. All bird eggs, and Goats milk. Fruits - Pomegranates, Prickly Pear, ground cherry, rock fig, dates, Pitaya, acai, wild grapes, Lime, kiwano, marula, lemons, grapefruit, bananas, guavas, pineapples, mangoes, and Jujubes. Vegetables - Cactus, Corn, Jalapeno, Bell Pepper, onions, Chile Pepper, Habanero, tomatoes, wild plants, potato, olives, carrot, and Garlic. Bread - Is made from ground corn/nuts. tortilla, Corn meal breads, Other - Wild almonds, Sunflower seeds, Wattleseeds, coffee, chocolate, honey, ginger, mushrooms, nut butters, mint, lavender, vanilla, cinnamon, and other desert/jungle growing herbs. Poison plants & animals are very typical foods eaten by the native Dragoth. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Nomadic Living- Dragoth people are nomadic and typically move locations every 2-5 years. Living and roaming all around the Calliope Desert, and jungle areas. Some tribes move seasonally, and spend the cooler winter months in the north volcano mountains. Housing - The housing the Dragoth people live in is called a yurt, and is built off the entrance of there caravans. A [url=]yurt[/url] - is a portable, bent dwelling structure. The frame consists of one or more expanding lattice wall-sections, a door-frame, bent roof poles and a crown. The self-supporting wood frame is covered with pieces of woven grass/straw fabric, animal hied, and a felt like fabric made from sheep and goat fur, after all that it is then covered with canvas, for water proofing. The frame is held together with one or more ropes or ribbons. The structure is kept under compression by the weight of the covers, sometimes supplemented by a heavy weight hung from the center of the roof. A yurt is designed to be dismantled and the parts carried compactly on camels, yaks, or atop caravans, to be rebuilt on another site. Complete construction takes around 2-4 hours. [url=]The Caravan[/url] - Every family has a caravan that is lived in while traveling and moving to a new site. When they settle in a place, they build their yurt (hut/tent) around the [url=]entrance[/url] of the caravan. Yurt Interior - [url=] Like this[/url] 1. expanding lattice wall-sections 2. bent roof poles and a crown. 3. Smoke hole. Smoke from the fire comes out through the opening. During monsoon season it is covered to prevent rain from coming in. 4. (there is no #4 in pic, but bare with me) The walls normally are decorated with intricately woven tapestries from ceiling to floor. The dirt floor, normally is covered in animal hides and large straw woven rugs. 5. Fire pit. A dug out hole in the ground lined with rocks. The fire pit is used for cooking and heat. 6. Support poles, they have hooks on them for hanging blankets and wet clothes. 7. Oven, and burners. Made of metal it is used for cooking. 8. Clay bowls, pots, and stone slabs are put atop the oven for cooking, boiling water, and warming food. 9. Clay/wood pitcher. Holds the fresh drinking water for the day 10. Table and chairs - Used for eating meals together, playing card games, doing crafts, and so on. 11. The frame is held together with one or more ropes or ribbons. 12. A heavy weight hung from the center of the roof. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -Traditions, Ceremonies, Religion, and beliefs - Coming of Age traditions and ceremonies - Age of Maturity is considered age 15. It is a time when a Teen is considered spiritually and physically mature. The youth is then responsible for stating on his or her own behalf whether or not he or she wishes to remain a member of the Native Dragoth community. If the choose not to they are still welcomed as family and such but are not apart of the Ceremonies and other spiritual things. If they choose yes which is the typical answer: On their 15th birthday, the child undergos a ceremony called Masha, where they are initiated into the Tribe as an adult. They adopt a traditional Dragoth name which is added onto their Birth name. example: John Smith, Becomes, John William Smith. This name is only used in ceremonies, spells, and when inside the temples, and is typically only told to close family members, spouses, and infants. The ritual for the young Dragoth male involves shaving his head, and for the young dragoth Female to receive there first haircut. Both genders take off their Nicco, an amulet worn to mark and protect underage youth, which one then burns in dedication to the gods, they then bath in the sacred hot spring, that the Dragoth Temple is built around. They dress in the traditional formal garment, and walk the spiral staircase to the top of the temple with, chosen family members and priestess/priest behind them holding candles. Ones at the top they pray to the Gods for an hour or more, and then they ring the bell to signify they are no longer a child. They leave the temple, The family and friends gather for a celebration feast and dance that last all night. They are given a small blessed stone called a Caffa, it is used like a worry/pray stone, and is kept in they pocket/bag from then on. Marriage traditions and ceremony - Native Dragoth brides pick not one wedding dress, but three. First, the bride wears a simple [url=]white gown[/url] for the ceremony and vows in the temple. Next, the bride swaps into a traditional dragoth [url=]wedding Gown[/url], an embroidered, slim-fitting frock that's usually dyed a Dark Blue for during the festivities, dances, and feast. Blue is a strong, lucky color in Dragoth culture. Finally, the bride ducks out of the Festival at midnight to change into a [url=]third dress[/url], this one is a short casual two colored dress made by the grooms mother, grandmothers, sister and other relatives. Each of the two colors represent the birth stone color of the bride and groom. Grooms have also have three outfits for the wedding. Starting with the simple white [url=]ceremony outfit[/url], that is wore into the temple for the ceremony and vows with his bride. Next he changes into the traditional wedding [url=]robe, and boots[/url] for the festivities, dances, and feast. Lastly at midnight he changes into a [url=]tunic and cape[/url], in the colors of his and his wifes birth stones. This outfit is made by his bride's mother, sister, grandmothers, and other relatives. The Vow Ceremony is held in the temple. The groom and the bride each walk down separate paths that form into one, where they clasp hands and walk to the alter together as family and friends stand on both sides of the path, holding flowers/candles, and humming the marriage song. When the couple reaches the alter they kneel down in front of the high priestess who then places her hands on each of their heads. The humming stops, and the priestess begins chanting the scared marriage prayer to the gods, and then she goes on to give the couple their unique blessing (fertility, longevity, protection, luck, prosperity, happiness, harmony, friendship, vitality, honesty, hope, etc...). Then the priestess ask them to rise to their feet, which they do, and she ties a rope around their grasp hands. She then pours pomegranate wine over their bound hands, and asked the bride to say her Vows, and then the Groom. They then kiss, and all of the family members and friends cheer, and whistle. The newlyweds then each take apart the bound rope around their hands, and kiss again. More cheering. The bride and groom followed by there closest relative leave the temple and head to the village center were the wedding festivities, dances, and feast is held. The newlyweds then separate to change into the second outfits, joining everyone in the celebration feast, they sit next to one another. After the feast there is dancing, and such to be had. this goes on until midnight, when the newlyweds then separate again to change into the last outfit. The music and dancing slows, and lanterns are lit and left to float into the night sky. family, Relatives, and good friends, give gifts, and blessings to the couple as the leave to their homes. The couple then spends there first night together in their new home. - Funerals - After the death of a Native Dragoth the funeral begins, the body is laid out in the temple on woven blankets made from dried vines and left for two day and two nights, for people to mourn and pray over. In the morning on the third day, the body is cradled in the woven blanket and carried by four priest to the spiritual ground behind the temple. Family and Friends dress in black and grays as they follow behind. The priests place the blanket & body in the large hallowed stone table full of dry woods and herbs. The spouse/parents/next of kin have sew together the deceased old clothes into a quilt which is stuffed with dry grass and leaves. The quilt is placed over the body by the family. The priest and priestess chant the departing prayer as they poor blessed oil over the body. The body is then cremated, the oils and herbs turning the flame blue. After, the ashes are collected and mixed with clay, and are made into beads, then painted by family members and hung in a tree, or cactus. - Temple - Priest & Priestess - They live in the temple and dedicate their lives to the gods. They hold/preside all of the ceremonies in the temple. Are keeper of the Dragoth ancient artifacts, sacred items, Historic scrolls, forbidden spells, and written prophecies. The spend most of their day praying, blessing, and making fancy bound books for the Dragoth people to write family trees, stories, Information, legends, and history in. They wear plain white [url='s%20and%20Women's/slides/09033154%2009032956%2009035431%20Ethnic%20Stylized%20White%20Kimono%20w%20Rigged%20Second%20Kimono%20Wrapping%20Silk%20S.JPG]robes[/url] though many embroider on them. Dragons - are considered to be earthly gods, and are sacred beasts. Dragoth people believe that dragons are there ancient ancestors. The Dragoth people can form a sacred bond with a dragon, if the dragon chooses so. With this bond their life span become much longer and the ageing process slows dramatically. Afterlife - Dragoth believe that when they die their soul goes to live with the gods in the sky Kingdom, unless the gods decided they are not ready, then they are instead reborn. Temple - There are three Dragoth temples Two located in the Calliope desert, and the last one in Volcanic land of the north. They are large, tall, made from stone, and always built aound a hot spring. The Nomadic Dragoth always live with in a three days or less journey from a temple. Second Name - When adopting their second name during the Masha, they are always traditional Dragoth names. (Spanish and french names/words = Dragoth Names) [/hider] The Setting is in A Land inhabiting these races, among many others. These are the Most existent in the Realm, But not the only ones you may play as. If you would like to add another race, Just post a Short description of them, and at least 2 Pros and 2 Cons. [hider=CS] Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Race: Preferred Magic: *Only If you play as a Race with magic; Current Magic Users: Spell Born* Main Weapon: If it is a "Special" Weapon, explain what it does and where your character got it. Personality: [/hider] [u]Characters[/u] [hider=Zeal] Name: Zeal Seraph Age: 36 Gender: Male Race: Ancient Goat Appearance: An Ancient Goat with Goggles on his head, and a Coat. [img=*ECPqEiAwPJniO5y*mGSk6pTpKH6yc*tuXuRvCFEjsClQYOmoSt9UZmsIDBDxzHWSy2qTtX8CuEw2mBWssNDe0BZlRMN/flyinggoatsketch3.jpg?size=173&crop=1:1] Main Weapon: Steampunk pistol [img=] Personality: Very nice, full of life. always wanting to get out of his seat and test his inventions. [/hider] [hider=Katherin Winter] Name: Katherin Winter Age: 21 Gender: female Appearance: Race: Spellborn Preferred Magic: ice Main Weapon: magic Personality: Katherin is very outgoing. She likes to meet new people and try new things. [/hider] [hider=Percival] [hider2=Percival][IMG][/IMG][/hider2] Name: Bergenshurgenoffgunsun. Everyone just calls him Percival. Age: 1 and 1 and 1 and…he’s not sure, he’s not very good at math. Old enough to steal booze. Gender: M Appearance: Percival is quite small topping out, on a good day, around 4 ft tall and skinny as a starving dog. His green skin however is quite lustrous and warty, and with his long pointy nose and his long pointy ears he is actually quite the handsome specimen of goblin kind. He knows this and often touts his fantastic looks, not realizing that not everyone has a true understanding of goblin beauty. His limpid brown eyes and nasty sharp pointy teeth are a contradiction of sorts, the first puts people at ease the second makes them edgy. He doesn’t realize this and when he grins his sharp teeth look like nothing so much as a gaping maw about to bite someone. He has terrified even the most hardened of hearts with his well meaning grin. He dresses in brown leather clothing and occasionally, when he remembers to put it on, patchwork brown hide armor. He completes his dress with whatever shiny things he happens to have found recently, valuable or not, and always carries his beer mug hooked on his belt. He keeps a soap-on-a-rope tucked carefully in a pocket along with some lengths of wire that make good lock picks. Race: goblin Main Weapon: Beer Mug (if its handy) or a petrified Soap-on-a-Rope. Both are special to Percival and comprise three of his 5 prize possessions (the fourth are his “lockpicks” and the fifth, well I said he wasn’t good at math). The beer mug is forged from the finest tin and taints all beer that in it with a faint metallic taste. Percival is so used to this that beer without that flavor is just wrong. He’s convinced the mug must be magical because it’s the only thing that can make a proper beer and thus it is his favorite possession. And in truth it is magical, but not in the way that he thinks, it cannot be broken, bent, damaged, rusted, etc. It also has a bit more heft than tin should have, making an admirable thunking weapon. This unique item was given to him by a spell-born lass who’s house he accidentally on purpose burned down. He destroyed her house but he saved her life for the presence of the fire fueled her strongest magics and she was able to easily dispatch the mob of angry goblins and run away steam powered goat headed turtle that were about to kill her (long story, suffice to say lots of beer and a stupid dare led to the situation). The petrified soap on a rope is simply that, soap on a rope that has gone so long unused that the soap on the end has turned into basically a waxy rock. Percival found this weird item while looting something…he’s forgotten what. He was completely perplexed by the thing and its purpose, having never used soap in his life, and therefore thought it must be something greatly unique and special. He never has figured out its true purpose but it makes an admirable weapon that fits in one’s pocket. He’s grown quite adept at using it. Personality: Percival is an easy going sort of thief. Outspoken, boisterous, fun-loving, and only sometimes brave. He loves to steal, loves to burn things down, loves to drink, and apparently loves to run because he finds himself doing that quite a lot. He’s quite good at hiding, or so he thinks. If it weren’t for virtue of his small size he might be less adept for the places he chooses to hide are often quite terrible. He’s still alive however, and that says a lot for his skill. In fact he thinks he’s quite good at a lot of things. This is not always the case. He loves fire, explosions, and everything related and is constantly stealing things related to fire. Unfortunately he’s also prone to accidentally catch any number of things on fire or blow them up. At any one time he has at least a hundred matches stuck on his person, usually in nooks and crannies best not explored by the faint of heart. But when needed he can always procure one. He also loves shiny things, valuable or no, and will often help himself to baubles that catch his eye. That is the one thing he is truely good at, he’s an exceptional thief. Especially with acquiring things from another’s person or getting through locked doors, chests, etc. He doesn’t think himself a thief usually, he has a somewhat flexible concept of ownership, most don’t really understand this however no matter how much he explains it. Drinking, to him, is a serious matter but to be taken lightly…in other words drink lots, drink often, and have fun doing it. And if you run out of beer then you’d better steal some more. [/hider] [hider= Jeffery] Name: Jeffrey (Not a Kobold name, he calls himself that because he likes the sound) Age: 10 Gender: Male Appearance: Jeffrey is four feet tall and 40 pounds, which is the average for a Kobold. He is skinny like all his kin and has reddish-brown iguana-like scales all over his body. He wears some old peasant's children's clothes he found in an abandoned house. they were wrapped around a skeleton for some reason, Jeffrey will never understand humans.He also wears a belt with a bunch of alchemy ingredients in pouches. He learned to keep all his ingredients in separate pouches after his last belt blew up and left him standing pantless in a room full of people, boy was that embarrassing! Race: Kobold Preferred Magic: Alchemy (if that counts as magic) Main Weapon: His light stick, his belt of alchemy supplies and his scroll of basic alchemical recipes. Personality: Jeffrey, being 10 (most Kobolds reach maturity at the age of 9) is still very childish and unknowledgable. He is naive and innocent and does not have a bad temper, though he is afraid of anything bigger than him. He is not afraid to laugh at himself and when he messes up his alchemy he will laugh just as much as anyone else around him at the results. Light Stick History Unlike other Kobolds Jeffrey cannot see in the dark so when he was kicked out of his tribe he found a walking stick, a jar and some string in the same house he found his clothes in and he built his light stick and went about filling his jar with fireflies, which he has named and feeds regularly. His fireflies are: [*]Donna: The biggest and brightest, she is his favorite.[/*] [*]Charles: Donna's little brother, he needs special treatment or he won't glow.[/*] [*]Darryl: Anti-social. He doesn't like the fireflies, Jeffry has contimplated letting Darryl go.[/*] [*]Phillip: Phillip sleeps at night and glows during the day. Silly Phillip![/*] [*]Papa Don: Papa is the oldest firefly and Jeffry isn't sure why he hasn't died yet.[/*] The light stick is also good for whackin'! Alchemy belt & recipe scroll Jeffrey found his belt and scroll in the same house as his clothing and light stick, he had wandered across the house after being kicked out of his tribe. He still doesn't know how to read, so thankfully the scroll has pictures! Apparently, and Jeffrey doesn't know this, the child skeleton he found was an alchemist's apprentice who somehow died when his master disappeared and Jeffrey stumbled upon the boy's house and took what he needed, not realizing that they belonged to a dead boy (how was he supposed to know that a skeleton is a dead person? he's only ever seen the alive kind). He can use the ingredients he carries to make bombs or poisons. [/hider] [hider=Theodore Rygate] Name: Theodore Rygate Age: 26 Gender: Male Appearance: Short brown hair, glowing orange eyes, always wearing his suit of plate armor. [img=] kinda like this random guy from the internet, except with, you know, creepy glowing orange eyes Race: Spell-Born Preferred Magic: Earth Main Weapon: a massive sledgehammer made of what looks to be solid rock, Theodore crafted it out of various minerals and used his earth magic so that it is stored underground until he needs it. He has full control of it using his magic, which explains why he can swing such a large weapon so easily. Personality: While many spell-born choose to fight from a distance, Theodore chooses otherwise. He wants to stare straight in his enemies eyes when he bashes their heads in. Brash and spontaneous, he prefers to jump in and wing it instead of planning ahead. While not in battle, he enjoys hiking and taking care of farm animals, especially chickens. [/hider] [hider=T-13] Name: T-13 Age: One week since construction finished Gender: Robot Appearance: Race: Steam-punk auto-ton, with magic Preferred Magic: electricity manipulation Main Weapon: A hand. Program malfunctions: It tries to drink beer, even though it can't. It thinks kittens are cute. It makes stupid jokes at random and very inappropriate times. Also is able to tap into it's magic core, giving it the undesired ability of using magic. Also, despite it's many malfunctions, it considers it's model number to be "lucky", even though it has no sense of what luck is. [/hider] [hider=Rita] Name: Rita Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: [img]][/img] Race: SpellBorn Preferred Magic: Earth magic, nature, animals, and plant life are her forte. Main Weapon: [url=]Bow[/url] and [url=]arrows.[/url] Personality: A girl with so many twisting and confusing traits no one really understands, she is the living definition of hot and cold. She will be all over the place. [/hider] [hider=Furor] Name: U6840-P793-G15, prefers to go by Furor Age: 231 years since initial construction, 38 years since core upgrade. only remembers since last core upgrade. Gender: appears male Appearance: [img=] Race: Steam Sentinels Main Weapon: he has two retractable blades an each arm that are standard issue for G15's. he also has a retractable kite shield on his left arm and an arm mounted shotgun on his right. the gun has one shot at a time, 5 sec reload and is fuelled by a substance that is currently used in experimental G16 cores. his shield has a hole in it for his shotgun barrel.(police standard) Personality: Furor is a police unit and thus lethal force must be authorized before use. he has three authorization codes known only by him and his commander. when lethal force is authorized, he targets a random person or an person doing an illegal act. and he is an alcoholic because his core is ethanol based, and cannot be produced magically. law is upmost to him and he only respects SS law, as he sees the others are "flawed in some way or another." [/hider] [hider=Drax] Name: Drax Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: [hider2=Drax][img][/img][/hider2] He has light brown hair, and stands at 6 feet tall. He has burns on his face so he wears a mask/helmet. Also his eyes glow a deep red that shines through his mask/helmet. Race: Spell-born Preferred Magic: Fire Main Weapon: He has a large broadswoard which takes two hands to wield. Also Drax has a goat made lighter that he [s]was gifted[/s] stole from a goat. It is powered by oil, and a spark from a flint ignites a wick. However fire is destructive so he only uses it when needed. Personality: Drax is a very outgoing and passionate person. Sometimes he can let his emotions get the best of him. When he is feeling a certain way you will know. Drax cares for those who are close to him, and is a smooth talker. However he has prejudice towards Goats because their steam machines destroyed his birth village. He is not afraid to chug back a few beers with his companions, and will gladly fight alongside them. Other: He can ignite his sword with his magic. [/hider] [hider=Brother Malfeas Baphomet] Name: Brother Malfeas Baphomet Age: 23 Gender: Male Appearance: [IMG=] Race: Ancient Goat Main Weapon: Telekinetic Force (He's trained in the use of telekinesis in it's combat forms (known as Krevi Ulfov, or Mind Fighting). These forms and techniques allow an Ancient Goat to master various offensive and defense techniques. These forms were developed by Ancient Goat monks and perfected in olden times within the Temples to Azazel. Personality: Brother Malfeas is an Azazelian Monk and adhere's to the teachings of the ancient Goat-Demon and his disciples. This is a double edged sword however, since Azazel is benevolent toward the Ancient Goats but he is often a trickster (and sometimes downright cruel) toward others. The Scapegoat, as Azazel has been called, is a patron of intelligence, balance, and nature with aspects warrior, hunter, scholar and trickster archetypes. There is much written about the belief that every being has a wild spirit and a harmonious spirit wthin themselves and that each must be appeased and brought into balance with each other in order to truly empower the self. Azazel's teachings encourage strategy, discipline, willpower, wisdom, art, courage, and honesty. Stupity, lying, limiting one's perspective, giving in to fear, favoring extremes rather than balance, and bringing harm to the natural world are considered avenues toward Azazel's wrath. Though some doctrinal disputes do exist between various temples, the core theology, dogma and ritual essentially remain the same. Daily meditation and prayer. Burnt offerings upon his altars and incense within his temples. Blood sacrifices were once popular, but have not been practiced in centuries. Brother Malfeas is a both a scholar and a diplomat who prefers to study and catalogue these variations rather than get caught up in the arguments. The only time he becomes partial is when someone appears to be abusing the Word of Azazel for personal gain. And when that happens, he becomes very partial indeed. However when not engaged in priestly pursuits, Malfeas tends to be an adventurous sort. He follows his wild spirit where it will lead him and seeks out new experiences when they don't seem particularly likely to result in injury or worse. In all of this he is rather happy go lucky and laid back. As much as he tries to master his wild spirit, though, it just never quite works out. Especially when the beer is flowing. [/hider] [hider=Dmitri] Name: Dmitri Alkaev Age: 18 Gender: Male Appearance: Race: Spell Born Preferred Magic: Wind magic Main Weapon: Staff (It’s mostly used to enhance abilities somewhat and focus magic, but it’s also good for smacking people with, should it become necessary.) Personality: His history of comedic misfortune may have left him a tad sarcastic, but he’s generally a very nice guy and likes to help people out. He’s also a bit clumsy, but has enough skills to survive, apparently, and is actually a well-practiced mage. Currently, he is traveling the world to learn more about magic. The earring he wears is a gift from his previous teacher. He’s not entirely sure what it does yet, but it’s a precious memento. [/hider] [hider=Shor] Name: Shor Age: 35 Gender: male Appearance: [img=] Race: Ogre Preferred Magic: Incapable of performing magic Main Weapon: Shor uses Shor's hammer. It's special, because it belongs to Shor. What it does? It hits people. Really hard. It also works on doors, walls, and everything Shor doesn't like. Shor got it when he made it himself. Personality: Shor is one of the few Ogres who doesn't absolutely respect the authority of the Ancient Goats. After his entire clan was wiped out for the amusement of a particularly cruel Ancient Goat, he chose to become Clanless, an outcast among all. He broke the sacred rules, and slaughtered the ancient goats. he bashed their heads in, that their brains might not hurt any others. He ripped apart their machines with his bare hands, destroying the metal that he himself had wrought. When he was done, there had been no Ancient Goats left in the town. he had been filled with arrows and gashes, living only through sheer force of will, but he had slaughtered every single Ancient Goat that had dared harm his clan. He had been ready to die. Until he realized that he was not clanless. All were his clan. All Ogres suffered under rule from those who considered themselves superior, and yet died so easily. Through sheer force of will, he kept living. 80% of his body is covered in scars. He's practised his skills in combat to match any feat of science or magic, becoming the most accomplished Ogre Warrior known. He would save his race from destruction, even if he had to wade through a sea of blood to do so. [/hider]