[b]Name: [/b] Alex Cain (Everyone calls him by his last name or field name) [b]Field Name: [/b] Striker [b]Age: [/b] 31 [b]Race: [/b] Human [b]Nationality: [/b] British (English to be precise) [b]Position (role on team): [/b] Combat Specialist [b]Time served on team: [/b] New transfer to team (but served 7 years in a British team). [hider=Appearance:] [img=http://www.imfdb.org/images/thumb/0/03/MW3Com_01.jpg/600px-MW3Com_01.jpg][/hider] [b]Role: [/b] Cain utilizes his military experience and combat expertise to help the squad overcome violent situations. He is particularly good at CQB and very handy to have when up against targets/hostiles using firearms. [b]Special Abilities or Expertise: [/b] Cain’s physicality gives him a natural advantage, which combined with his hand-to-hand combat skills means he can even hold his own against many common vampires. He is very good at using firearms, and he has some limited knowledge regarding explosives. Personal experience (both prior to and during his time with the D.I.S) has taught him many things about the supernatural and his knows various methods of dealing with threats; he also has some very limited understanding of certain arts/skills (e.g. using runes) but not to the extent that he can put them to practice. [hider=Biography:] Cain was born to Tom and Fiona Cain and was the older of two children. He was three years older than his sister Fae. His father was a policeman and his mother a craftswoman. Up until he was fourteen Cain lived a normal life, free of any major events. However when his mother passed away from cancer, this changed. Not only was the family turned upside down but his sister began to become unstable. The stress unlocked within Fae ‘the eye’, the ability to glimpse at what might be and what once was. It also heightened her ability to sense and see the supernatural. Only once this became apparent did their father reveal that their mother had possessed the same gift and that in ran through her family. Fae’s visions however quickly became too much for her and she would constantly be in a state of fear, screaming that “the end was nigh” and that she would “be burnt alive by the white haired demon”. Whilst she quickly became known as the local whack job, Cain often took to heart and remembered what she said, though that’s not to say he believed her. Unfortunately after a couple of years once the visions got worse, Fae took her own life. Not long after this Cain encountered the D.I.S, who questioned the family about Fae and her visions. Wanting to get a fresh start Cain joined the Army, serving in the Parachute Regiment. Like any soldier Cain was taught combat, survival skills and the like, but seemed to possess a natural talent for the job and as a result was able to work up the ranks. He had reached Corporal when he was deployed to Afghanistan for his second time, and at this point was looking to get into the SAS. Whilst on an operation Cain and his squad came across some strange ritualistic markings; some of which he recognised from Fae’s drawings. Unable to find a good enough reason to permit him taking the squad to investigate more, Cain went AWOL. His own investigation led him to fighting a small group of cultists and discovering some hidden ruins; it was during this expedition that he came across a D.I.S squad and was detained. They already had him on file because of his sister, and because of his investigation and because of his military service, the D.I.S decided to recruit him. He worked with a single team in Britain for the majority of his time with the D.I.S but the team has since been disbanded. He was transferred to L.A. for a number of reasons; notably due to a shortage of experienced agents and an increase in activity. [/hider] [b]Personality: [/b] Cain is confident but is the kind of man who will only speaks when he feels he needs to; he can come across as a bit grumpy, as he usually has a serious demeanour. It’s not too hard to piss him off, however his self-control is quite commendable as despite being angry he can usually refrain from doing something stupid or rash (he’ll bark but he won’t bite). He hates vampires and is distrustful of many supernatural beings, especially when they’re allowed on a team. [b]Campus Cover: [/b] Gym teacher [b]Trivia:[/b] The only time he doesn’t have his silver dagger on him is when he’s teaching… this is a major reason why he hates teaching. Hope this is ok :)