Name: Blast Gender: Male Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Blast likes to keep personal things simple, answering questions concisely and saying what's on his mind. His actions, on the other hand, are completely different. In contrast, whenever he gets bored (which is often), he tends to perform any action he can dramatically somehow. He'll prepare an extravagant dish for a meal just because he can, or draw a fight out as long as it's still interesting. Abilities: Field Projection: Projecting a field, the basis for all of Blast's abilities, is more complicated than most magic. In order to create the field, he must focus his power into at least three individual spots, creating the outline for the field. Whenever he gets the chance, Blast focuses his power into metal rods so all he has to do is drive them into something to project the field, but creating the rods takes time, he can only create three at a time, and they only hold the charge for a day. Personal Zone: Once a field is set up, Blast can use it to create a "Personal Zone", an area outside of reality. Three seconds on the outside is a minute within the zone, and until it is removed (Either by his will or his unconsciousness), nothing can cross the barrier physically (non-spacial teleportation powers will be able to move the user from inside the zone, but not into the zone from outside). The area inside the zone is about three times as large as the space the field occupies in the real world. Force Zone: When inside the Personal Zone, Blast's hits triple in power. This makes the long and risky set up worthwhile. Weapons: Fists Misc: Blast can cook well. ----- Name: Clarafield Miller Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: Clarafield is a bit timid, but tries to be as brave as she can. She prefers to stay by herself, and gets nervous in groups larger than three people. Despite her social nature, Clarafield won't hesitate to put herself in danger if need be to save a friend. Backstory: Clarafield's father was a Dollhunter, but she never shared his view on dolls. She keeps one of his nails anyway, because she knows there are things worse than dolls in the world. Since her father died, she's been living on her own while going to school, and works part time as a waitress to pay her bills. In her free time she likes to read detective novels, or play games if there's anybody to play with. She's always dreamed of being a private investigator. Skills: Information Gathering, Eidetic Memory, Self Defense [b]And Lionheart's characters[/b] Name: Jeremiah Gender: Male Appearance: A tall, slender man standing at about 6'. His chestnut brown hair is messy and fails where it may, sometimes obscuring his eyes which are a piercing green. He bears a small scar on the left side of his chin. Jeremy wears clothes of the forest, green, brown, grey and black. Personality: Jeremiah is a rather high energy, outgoing, flamboyant individual. He likes to socialize with others and quite enjoys teasing those he's close to. He's also very self-assured and confident in his abilities. Overall Jeremiah has a strong sense of right and wrong and can't stand to do nothing as people suffer, instead he does whatever he possibly can to help. Abilities: Jeremiah has reflexes that are borderline precognition, seemingly able to foresee and dodge any attack as well as see clearly for miles. He's also fast and a natural acrobat, perfectly comfortable jumping and flipping away from danger. While he's not as physically durable as other dolls, he's highly resistant to any non-martial attack. Weapons: Jeremiah's signature weapon and primary method of attack is his enchanted bow, Astraeus. This bow does not fire normal wooden arrows, but generates bolts wrought of starlight. Since it has no physical ammunition nor a bowstring it is up to the wielder to channel the power required to generate each shot. These starlight arrows can be fired many at once, in very rapid succession, or slower, more concentrated shots. These bolts also vary in properties from homing to scattershot, explosive or sealing. As well as many other type of properties. ------- Name: Takashi Miyuzaki Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: He's fairly tall standing at 5'11", his hair is dark blonde and is kinda long and shaggy. His eyes are a piercing green. He's reasonably well built from working a lot of labor-intensive jobs. Usually wears jeans, a T-shirt, and an open dress shirt. Personality: Friendly to everyone he meets, even total strangers, willing to risk himself to help those in need. He's very harsh on himself and his own shortcomings, seeking to excel at everything he does, as such he tends to overwork himself. Takashi is usually a very laid back person, willing to take whatever blows life gives him in stride, and keeps moving. He doesn't let much get under his skin and has an abundance of patience. Backstory: (My weakest point as a writer! I'll fill this in later....Yeah.) Skills: Cooking, cleaning, experience with heavy machinery, kendo, highly adaptable.