Zen stared at his ceiling upset that he was awake and already in a bad mood, after that messed up dream he tried to go back to sleep but he really didn't like the idea of the dream continuing. He ended up laying in his bed for about ten minutes before he decided to get up and just get an early start on the day, he stepped over a few articles of clothing in his messy room and made his way over to his closet. On his way he switched off one of his two heaters since he was up before throwing open his closet and sifting through his clothing mumbling to himself as he grabbed his uniform. Zen threw his uniform on the bed before making his way to the bathroom, he wasn't a stickler when it came to cleanliness but he wasn't about to wear the same underwear with that uniform, and thanks to the dream and possibly the heat of his room he was sweating like a doberman Shepard. Zen actually stopped mid walk not entirely sure how that simile summed up one of his normal bodily functions but he wasn't in the mood to question his own thoughts right now. Zen walked into the bathroom and ran the bath water before taking care of his business, if there was one thing he enjoyed it was a bath in the morning just seemed to get him ready to take on whatever he was going to face in the day. He got out after a long second soak already looking forward to taking one when he got home. Waking up early even afforded him more time to relax, he might make this a habit if he's not careful but he did admit being left alone to his thoughts didn't help him forget that dream so that was the only downside. Zen knew his aunt had already taken one so he drained the water and made his way to kitchen, normally the bath would be ready for the next person but Zen was very clear he didn't want to bathe in the same water as her, he made a comment about her age and being an impressionable youth which settled the dispute thus he always ran his own. Zen entered the kitchen and without wasting anytime grabbed the rice cooker before he started making breakfast. He glanced to his right as he heard the shoji door open and his aunt walk in holding her hand over her mouth and yawning, just like him she had blonde hair though hers was longer and tied in bun at the moment. He actually liked that she didn't look too much like his mother, her skin was an apricot color though she had gained a bit of a tan lately, she had amber eyes which locked on him as she lowered her hand from her face. She was dressed in her normal business attire, a black suit and a pair of black dress pants, she wasn't wearing shoes but she would wear her dress ones once she left out the door. When their eyes met his aunt whose name was Yumi immediately raised her arm up almost covering her face as she looked at him with a combination of shock and horror. "You're up early and breakfast is already ready," she said slowly lowering her arm. "W-what have you done with my nephew?" "Screw you," Zen said in English. "Just sit down and eat." "I was just joking," she said responding in English before sitting down. "Still it's rare to see you up so early." The two of them always spoke in English at breakfast but Zen was the one that always had to initiate it in the mornings, she was fluent in Japanese but she preferred speaking English at home though she was considerate enough only to do so if Zen spoke in it first. "You know you don't have to stay for breakfast, you can just eat and head out," Zen said setting a few balls of onigiri down in front of her. "You have the same thing for breakfast everyday and its easy to make." "Yeah and miss having breakfast with my favorite nephew, not happening," Yumi said grabbing one. "Besides that means I have to cook, it's your job to cook not mine." Zen sighed and set his own food down before pouring some food for mittens and putting it on the floor for her, he sat in his chair and started eating wanting to watch a little tv since he had more time this morning. Zen's eyes went up to his aunt as she chewed quite noisily and spoke to him not bothering to chew her food first, he didn't pay much attention to her conversation but he kept his attention on her as a sign he was willing to provide his attention. He wasn't in the mood to talk but Yumi always tried to put time aside to eat breakfast with him in the morning, she couldn't do it every morning but when she did he knew she had work early that day like every day. Because of that he always made breakfast as a silent thanks for the consideration. "By the way Zen," Yumi said as Zen picked up their plates. "Did you hear about the disappearances on the news?" "Nope," Zen responded quickly not shy about showing his disinterest in the subject. "I could care less what happens in the city, none of my business." "You should care more about what happens in your community, anyway they seem to involve the western district train shipping yards, don't go wandering around there they mentioned something about strange figures." Zen wondered how bored he was of the subject right now, he wanted to ignore her but something about the shipping yards pulled at him, though he wasn't sure what exactly that was. "Anyway I gotta go to work, oh right Zen take a good look at me." Zen turned towards his aunt as requested and she spun in a full circle giving a full view of her attire before placing a hand on her hip before speaking again. "How do I look, I'm pretty damn hot right. Badass in terms of fashion and all that I might be home late tonight if you know what I mean." She looked like any other businesswomen in japan, and some of them work skirts not pants but he knew if he was honest she'd probably punch him. "....up until you open your mouth," Zen said sighing. "Yeah you look hot, I'm sure you'll catch a man in no time. Go for it Ganbare." "I feel like your insulting me but I'll let it slide," Yumi said before tossing something at him. Zen caught the object before turning it over, it was a black flip phone with a camera on it he recognized the object as his own cellphone but he wasn't sure why she was giving it to him. "Keep that on you, if I'm going to be late that's the only way I can contact you. Just because you don't have any friends doesn't mean you can't keep it. Later!" With that Yumi walked out of the door, Zen sighed and shoved his phone into his pocket before going to get his school bag wondering how she could have so much energy early in the day. Zen started on his way to school throwing his bag over his shoulder and shoved his hands into his pocket as he made his way to school, the western district train shipping yards had a mother cat there, that's why the place stood out to him. He didn't care about the people getting kidnapped but he was worried for the mother cat, he might take some time stop by there though he didn't want to be late so he wondered if he should wait until after school. With a shrug of his shoulders he kept walking not looking forward to reaching school, if he got there and saw Sayuri he was at a loss on what to do, ignore might be the best option right now. On his way to school Zen came to a sudden stop as he noticed a body in the middle of the road, it was the body of a young girl with red hair, she was wearing his school uniform so she wasn't homeless...at least he didn't think so. Though Zen didn't know who Hatsune was at the moment it wouldn't do to just casually walk past a young lady passed out in the street, a pervert could approach her. "Hey!" Zen said taking his foot and pushing Hastune sides. "The hell're you doing just laying around get up!" He continued to nudge Hatsune yelling at her as he did so, he didn't take into consideration that it looked bad for him to be nudging an unconscious girl with his foot while yelling at her to wake up. "....if you don't wake up I can't promise what'll happen to you," he said taking a hand out of his pocket. Of course he didn't mean himself but he didn't see a reason why he had to clarify that, he wasn't going to stand here and try and wake someone up forever, if he left an unsavory person could come along however and that bothered "Damn it wake up, you know how many guys would go for those sweater melons while your asleep get up."