Name: Jarod 'Fox' Ortega Age: 19 Appearance: [img] [/img] His wardrobe mainly consists of any kind of shirt he can find in his closet, jeans, and a brown leather jacket he wears almost all the time. Personality: There's a reason people call him 'Fox'. Sly, sneaky, and swift, he's been known to be quite the smuggler and seller of booze and drugs. Despite this, he has surprisingly never drank nor smoked. He's an excellent liar and uses this talent to slip away from often sticky situations. Fox isn't exactly the most welcoming guy. He's rude and distrustful the first time you meet him, but he's actually pretty nice and generous once you get to know him. ...Erm, sort of. He's ambitious and prideful when it comes to art and sports,especially track, and will take up almost any challenge, no matter how ridiculous. Subjects: English Animation Calculus World History Spanish Athletic Training Social Group: Inbetween, but he drifts towards the jocks. Bio: Fox lived a sheltered life. His parents often kept him in his room, forcing the boy to study. Because of this, he seldom made friends and mainly kept to himself. He would spend his time just drawing or playing sports. Over the years, Fox grew more and more rebellious. He would sneak out constantly, cause trouble, and was eventually held back a grade due to troubles in school. After getting into a harsh fight with his parents, Fox was kicked out at age eighteen. Luckily, a generous aunt of his lived close by. Fox spent a year with her focusing on sports and art before enrolling into CBU. Any Relationships/Friendships Already Formed? Nada.