"Boss! Come outside. There's something you've got to see." Noxxus sighed. Blyte had just came into his office and broke his train of thought. This had better be important. "I won't be able to see anything, Blyte." "You'll hear it once it hits the ground. Come on!" Whatever it was, he seemed excited about it. As Noxxus made his way through the store, he could hear Lara and Oric's voices outside, mixed with the voices of many others. Just as he exited the store, there was the sound of something crashing to the ground. He could tell it was far away, but whatever it was was large enough to shake the ground beneath them. What was going on? Lara apparently noticed Noxxus' confusion, because she felt the need to explain. "That floating island up in the sky just came crashing down. I don't know why, though." "Isn't it obvious?" Blyte said. "I mean, that guy came out of nowhere and decided he wanted to rule over us. I'd be willing to bet it was Magnixx who finally did something about it." "Whoever it was needs to control himself, if you ask me. Didn't he consider everyone else that was up there?" "Lara, anybody who supported that guy deserves to go down with him." "They were innocent people! Hell, some of them were children!" "They weren't innocent! Come on, Oric, back me up." Oric started to panic. "Umm...I'm...actually on Lara's side here." "What!? You really agree with HER!?" Noxxus decided that now would be a good time to interrupt. "Alright, everyone get back inside!" He tried to keep his workers seperated for now. Oric was running the front counter, Blyte was in the back keeping track of the things they had in storage, and Lara was assisting Noxxus in his office. "You know we need to do something about this." Lara said. "I don't agree with what that seraphin, either, but what happened out there was way over the line. You agree with me, right?" "I just need to get some work done. It's been a long day so far." "You can't just remain neutral all the time. I don't know what side you're on, but you need to choose one eventually. Just...consider what I said, all right?" Noxxus sighed. He didn't know which side he was on, yet. Thankfully, Lara didn't pressure him any more after this.