Name: Spencer Matthews Age: 18 Appearance:[hider=Spencer][img][/img][img][/img][/hider] Personality: Spencer is a sweet girl and a very kind girl. She likes to keep things to herself, but sometimes she just wants to let it out. At times Spencer can be a little cocky and she could TRY to be funny when she really isn't. She mixes her intelligence with funny, always making smart jokes, but people either stare at her blankly or ignore her. Spencer is an outspoken girl, she isn't shy or anything but sometimes she likes to just keep things to herself, so she won't hurt that person. Spencer is REALLY good at keeping secrets, especially because she has her own secrets. She always say that, secrets make friends but it wasn't really true. In order to make a friend it has to be from the heart. Spencer is a brave girl, and she will try anything new, if she likes it, she will do it again but if she don't she doesn't even want to go there. Other then that, Spencer is respectful and she will always be there for her friends, she is also a very generous girl and loves to have fun and be herself and she is loyal to others. Subjects: -English -AP Physics -AP Science -Arts[Drama, Performance, Music.] -World History -Literature Social Group: In-between but she drifts more into Geeks. Bio: Spencer comes from a medium class family, they weren't rich nor they were poor. Well, her grandmother was very rich but her mother never accepted her grandmother's money. But, this time they needed the money for Spencer's school. Spencer is the smartest girl in her family, some people even call her 'nerdgerd' or 'bookworm', she didn't really mind those words because, words doesn't hurt her but it is like a compliment, mainly because they are calling her a smart girl. And now, Spencer was brought into the Clearview Bay University. She hasn't made no friends atleast not yet. All she wanted to do was graduate and go do her career which was being a lawyer. Why she wants to be a lawyer? Because she never looses a case. Spencer may be quiet and all, but she has her fiesty side and she will argue back and forth with people who bothers her. Plus, she loves to ask a lot of questions. Watch her out! Any Relationships/Friendships Already Formed?: Nope.