Oh what!? Two more people interested? Why, that'd bring us up to five PC's which was my original goal!! I'd actually started planning yesterday how I was going to fill in the two other spots with my own characters but if you guys want in, that's great! CallaLily! Welcome back, maybe I should have messaged you, I guess I just assumed you lost interest but yes yes, I can re-arrange my plans! Please, go ahead and apply! As for you, Sparx, welcome to the guild! I'm very flattered that you'd join just for my little Rp and it's great that you're a Disney fan! We seem to have a surprising lack of those in the Rp somehow. I have no problem that you're new to the guild and I will be happy to help you along. Just start out by posting a reply to Deeta (See the 'Joining the Fun' section if you don't know what I'm on about =P) and we'll see how it goes from there! Aww Rex, that's harsh! But no problem, I want this Rp to be steadily flowing but nobody should feel pressured to post when they don't have the time. Thanks a lot for the heads up, though! Can't wait to see your IC post, this is so exciting!