Tobias almost did a double-take as the girl approached. Now having the red device in his hand, he patted the Pokemon's shoulder, who was still staring in wonder at his little claw, at the device being no longer there. Tobias smiled, patting the pink otter like creature on the shoulder lightly. "Go back home buddy," he replied. He then turned to the girl as she asked who this was, by which time he had not yet registered to start moving. "Oh, that's my mom's Slowbro," he replied, "She must have seen that I didn't have a map, and sent him after me. It was probably a few seconds after I left though," he noted, "He's not really fast." As if to punctuate this, the Pokemon had only just begun shuffling his feet in order to turn around. Tobias couldn't help but laugh, patting the creature on the back as he turned.