Jinny got over the side of the truck and dropped down to the ground, following Josh and peeking into the truck on her tiptoes. Her gaze was worried. Richard got out of his side of the truck, checking his weapon before heading over to the two of them. "I'm not injured, Josh. Just hurting." He reached into his back pocket, pulling out a worn, folded scrap of paper, that he unfolded carefully. He crouched, leaning his back against his vehicle as he held it out. The scrap was a picture of a young boy. with dark blonde hair and Richard's eye color and a bright smile. Jinny looked at it, then to Richard. "Who is he?" Richard smiled, but there was something tired and worn out in it. "My son. He was Richard too, but we just called him Junior." His smile faded, and a shadow seemed to pass in front of his eyes. "...lost him when he was barely older than you, Jinny. It happened quick. One second he was there, the next..." He shook his head, not wanting to scare the girl with the details. Reaching out, he put his hand atop Jinny's head, gently smoothing her messy black hair. "You listen here, little lady. Your Mr. Josh there, he may not be the daddy you were born to, but he looks damn willing to fill the job. You let him take care of you, and you mind him, and... you take care of him, too. Okay?" Jinny, understanding how much hurt the man must have been feeling, stepped close and offered the man a tight, brief squeeze. "It's ok, Mr. Richard. My daddy's in Heaven, and he's probably protecting Junior like you protected me. So it all works out." She stepped away and smiled a bit. "It'll be okay. My daddy always told me that the people we love... when they die, they have a way of watching us from wherever they go next." While she wasn't entirely sure of what her daddy had meant, it was a comforting thought that he and her mother were somewhere, looking over her together. Richard seemed unable to speak, and drew his hand across his face in a quick motion. "...my work here is done." He got up, and carefully pocketed the old photo. "Josh." He offered his hand. "You all take care of each other. Be safe."