[center] Cepheus & Charlie & Nemesis “He took the news fabuously.” Cepheus said dryly, his voice laced with sarcasm as Mariemaia joined the crew in their hiding spot. The captain was currently on a rampage and he had to duck a few times to dodge lightning, and he tried his best to shield Tori from any oncoming attacks. Cepheus patted Tori on the head, but he did not look away from his anguished friend, observing Jecht with concern. The captain was bleeding, partly his own blood since Jecht had fed from him earlier, but he made no move towards him. “Soon, I’m sure.” He lied, having no idea when Jecht’s tantrum would end, but he or Tori weren’t going anywhere near him until he calmed down. “He’s going to destroy this ship, and take us down with it, at this rate.” Charlie commented, standing off to the side as he warily examined a stray lightning bolt that had barely missed them. “When he’s like this, it’s like we mean nothing to him anymore…” He sank down to his knees and sat in a corner, his face solemn. “Charlie, that’s ridiculous!” Nemesis huffed, frowning at the blond vampire. But the crew was given mercy as Jecht’s attacks finally died down, and Nemesis watched as Mariemaia left their safe spot to go to his side. She turned to Videl and giggled at his questioned. “Well, it apparently makes you go crazy!” she answered, her tone light. Jecht obviously went insane at the news of Trixxtal’s kidnapping, and Mariemaia was crazy for even daring to go near Jecht in his current mindset. “Mariemaia sure is brave, though!” she praised, admiring the vampire as she watched in awe as she fearlessly went towards the captain. Jecht He barely heard her voice, and it wasn’t until he felt himself being lifted off the ground that he even noticed her presence. His eyes flicked upwards towards his helper, hoping that it was Trixxtal finally through with this cruel joke, but he couldn’t help the disappointment he felt when he saw that it was Mariemaia that had picked him up from the floor. No longer attacking everything in a fit of blind rage, Jecht was coherent enough to notice the panicked expression on her face, but made no comment. “…He’s really gone…isn’t he?” he asked her weakly, but wasn’t truly listening to any response she might have said to him, since he could no longer ignore the truth. He glanced down at his wounds and if he cared, he would have felt angry at himself for stupidly reopening them. “I want to go into town…” was all he told her, before glancing past the ship, spotting land not too far away. His reasons for going into town should have been more responsible, such as obtaining more supplies or repairing the ship, or feeding on the blood of unsuspecting humans to speed up his recovery, or even look for Trixxtal, but no, Jecht didn’t want to visit for those reasons. He wanted to visit a pub and drink until he forgot about his problems. Then he wanted to destroy the town, even if he wasn’t in any condition to do so. The anger was still buried under his skin and the only way Jecht would feel better is if he tore apart somebody limb by limb, preferably the wizard-loving-kidnapping-werewolf, but since that filthy beast was not here, Jecht would have to make do pummeling some unsuspecting townsfolk instead. Raphael He wondered if stopping by this port had been a good idea. The town itself had nothing of interest to him, mostly ordinary humans living their lives, and he only booked an inn so he could rest for a few days. The sky was dark and he was currently outside headed to the pub the innkeeper recommended but…something in the air felt strange. Just now, the fallen angel felt an odd feeling, and cautiously looked around him before his eyes settled on the ocean. Raphael felt slightly unsettled at the sight of an advancing ship but turned away from the sea, continuing down the dirt path he had been walking on. [/center]