[b]Name[/b]: Alexei Novikov [b]Nickname[/b]: “Medved” – Russian for ‘Bear’ [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 49 [b]Animal[/b]: Grizzly Bear [b]Appearance[/b]: Alexei is a burly man, standing 1,82 m tall and weighing 87 kg, with strong arms, broad chest and shoulders and a round, yet not oversized, belly. Some gray started to show on his short hair and beard and even slightly on the hair from his chest, belly and arms. He has small dark brown eyes and a few wrinkles on his face [hider=Image] [img=http://www.vocecurte.com/wp-content/uplouds/2013/04/kino-0012-351x432.jpg] [/hider] In his Half-Animal form, Alexei grows a larger frame doubling his weight, has much more hair covering his body, his hands and feet grow larger and his nails turn into small rounded claws. His teeth also grow slightly and his upper and lower canines become pointier. He also gains a strong sense of smell and a more resilient constitution. In his Full-Animal form, Alexei becomes a larger than average Grizzly Bear, standing as tall as 3.5 m and weighing 460 kg. [hider=Image] [img=http://www.natureartists.com/art/resized/962_Grizzly_Attitude.jpg] [/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Alexei is a man of few words, he talks only when he feels he has something relevant to say and is not the kind of man to go beating around the bush and will almost never sugar-coat any remarks he may have to make. Due to this he is not really the sort of man whom one would turn for a soft-spoken word or a humor full conversation. However, he is a good man who cares for those around, especially if they are younger people with their lives still ahead, most of the times he will apply for the “tough-love” approach, meaning well but sometimes being a little too rough, age has taught him that the world is a hard place and one should be prepared for it. Not a coward, but he will highly disprove of risky or reckless approaches and will prove to have a stubbornness that few can mach. While strong and perfectly capable of some fierce fighting, he will hesitate to resolve to violence unless he can’t avoid it. [b]History[/b]: Retired Lieutenant of the Russian Army, the rest remains to be discovered in the RP [b]Other[/b] : Project A EDIT : [quote=FireHeartWolf] wtf is that hyper wolf actually doing?! LL I'm watching you.... -_- [/quote] Thats a gimmick from Dark Souls, the giant wolf with a sword in his mouth will sometimes spend an unreasonable amount of time jumping forward right in your face only to almost immediately jump away and repeat the process, in those moments the only thing you can really do is stand there with your shield ready waiting for him to chill down and MAYBE find an opening before becoming a chew-toy :3