Athinar, at the sudden rush of necromancy, whipped around and flew through the bars. Growling, a thin jet of fire escaped his mouth. Looking at Dasmira, he thought, [i] You idiot! Don't you know not to touch anything here? [/i] Arcing up through the air to the group, he left a bright trail of fire that burned for a few seconds afterward. Enveloping a group of skeletons in a wave of fire, he turned to Dasmira and spoke, his mouth not moving. "[i] You should know better than to take something from the fallen warriors. Those who are dead this way, generally don't stay dead. Idiot.[/i]" Hovering just above the ground for a few minutes, he used the last few seconds of elementalism to make a wall of flame that encircled the whole party. Reverting back to his original form, he looked at Serkan, Dasmira, and Aveline. "We need to talk. A serious talk about NOT being abr ach brunhvitr and touching everything in the whole damn castle." His anger made Athinar snap back and forth from his native language for a moment. Twin balls of fire were ignited in his eyes, and flames shot up from his hands.