[Center][B]Sotoki, Airi[/B][/Center] --- "N-No... Is this it for us...?!" Airi gasped at what she saw. Around them were the monsters, forming what seemed like an endless black sea. Sotoki and Airi backed off from the edge of the fountain by instinct "Calm down... We'll think this through..." he whispered to Airi. The monsters are not moving for some reason, this gave the two some time to think. Just as the two reach the center of the fountain, Airi stepped on the staff "Kyah..!" she screamed, surprised that she stepped on something. "Shh...! It's just the staff...!" Sotoki assured her. She looked beneath her and the staff was there. Something about the staff was familiar after all. She ducked to get the staff and when she took it out, she felt something flow into her. After getting a close look to the staff as well, she realized that it was the artifact in their shrine "I knew it... This is our artifact..." Sotoki got his shrine's as well. Her getting the staff of the shrine probably isn't just some coincidence. Airi stood up and looked in front of her "W-What is this?" Red glows, that is what she saw. The sight of black creatures had red glows mixed into them. "Hey Soto-" she looked at Sotoki and saw a blue glow inside of him instead "What...?" he asked to her after getting called "Did something happen...?" Airi is bewildered. What was happening? She moved to where Sotoki was and told him what happened "Hmm... That is your shrine's artifact huh..." he observed the staff she was holding "And you felt a strange sensation after picking it up. Plus you also see me having a blue glow and the monsters red glow?" Sotoki immersed himself into thinking "Maybe..." he went over his thoughts once more "I think you see my glow as blue because I haven't been corrupted or something... And those monsters, which are kinda like fallen spirits, had the red glow because of them being undead...?" he only had his imagination in this. "Well, we'll go through it again later. Now's not the time to think." then he noticed movement "Ah great...!" --- [Center][B]Kuruoshi[/B][/Center] --- Kuruoshi was at a building, watching the sea of monsters and the two humans on the fountain "Hehehehehe... How naive." The monsters stopping wasn't actually an advantage, in fact, it's a huge disadvantage. "With the wraiths and shades not moving, the two aren't trying to do anything. They're being careful or are thinking of how to get out of the place." then he smiled "Too bad for them, they picked to stay than to escape while the corrupted spirits aren't moving." He looked at the black creatures and more are piling up into the crowd "I guess this is good enough." Then he snapped his fingers before leaving. CLICK. --- He went back to the shrine. Kuruoshi stood before the sealed gate, which is now slightly open "You will all be released soon... Just you wait." then he laughed abnormally. POUND. Something pounded on the giant doors "Hmm... I guess it's time to release you. Heheh... Hahahahaha!" he slashed on the gap of the doors, and black smoke came out of the gap "Go obliterate all that stands in your way! HAHAHAH!!" then the creatures ran and ran. --- [Center][B]Nikko[/B][/Center] --- Yoshimi observed the naginata with him then she said that her shrine has an artifact as well "Oh. I guess all the shrines have at least one of these." Still, what is it doing here? His home is pretty far too, how did it get here? These questions still lingered in his head, but they will stay unanswered for now. Nikko sighed as he gave up, but then Yoshimi jumped on the spot and Nikko did the same after being startled "W-What is it?" he asked the girl. She held a spear "That was your spear earlier right?" However, it looks like it was the artifact of Yoshimi's shrine. It had unique designs as well, this one resembled the sea. "It's decor is quite nice too." he said. Yoshimi decided that she will use the spear to protect everyone and putted the spear next to her. Nikko sat back once more, and now thought of something. Sensing the grass, ent, energy, naginata with nature-like designs. Then it hit him "Maybe..." then he stood "Ent! Jump." he stretched his palm to the direction of the door where the Ent is. After Nikko told the ent to jump, it did what he said "Oh... I had expected it a bit, but it still surprised me." It seemed like the ent was related to him.