[center] Name:  Sara Garrison Age:  Eighteen Appearance:  [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/2s867uf.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/2dtyjhz.png[/IMG] Personality:  Sara is a very outgoing and friendly girl. She loves social gatherings and has no difficulty when it comes to making friends. She can be quite spontaneous at times and is always the first to try something new. She is a very loyal friend and will give her last for someone she cares about. She is a charmer and very flirtatious - if she likes you, you will know it. Despite her fun personality, she has made a few enemies due to how opinionated she is at times. She is very blunt when it comes to her feelings and has no problem telling someone what she thinks about them - good or bad. She loves softball, and any other sport that is outdoors, and enjoys playing the guitar in her free time. Subjects:  English Calculus Athletic Training Physics Arts Ancient History Medicine Anatomy Social Group:  She falls in the middle of In-betweeners and Rich Kids. Bio:  Sara grew up in a rather wealthy family as a single child; her father was a retired brain surgeon who owned a major pharmaceutical company and her mother worked at a major law firm in her hometown. Sara never had to want for anything growing up but she always made sure that she didn't become the type to flaunt anything in anyone's face. She knew that others might not have a life as easy as hers, which is why she tried her best to remain humble, never asking her parents for much but always being grateful when she was given something. When others learned of her parent's wealth she was instantly categorized with all the other rich, snooty kids, despite how down to earth she really was. Sara tried her best to make friends with people from other social groups and eventually decided to join a sports team in hopes of being more successful this way. She ended up loving softball and stuck with it, growing close with most of her teammates, which fulfilled her need for acceptance. Sara hated to say goodbye to her friends and family when she got accepted at CBU but it was necessary for the degree that she wanted to pursue. She remained positive despite knowing she would have to start all over, especially since her father was one of the founders of the university. Any Relationships/Friendships Already Formed?  N/A [/center]