I just got to point this out: [quote]Slaves, slavery having never been abolished, are the most valuable commodity in this area of the world and people pay high prices for healthy slaves and the Mediterranean is the place where most of the slave trade exists making it a highly sought after area by the powers of Europe.[/quote] Unless something really fucking wild happened in Europe, the slave trade should still be very much dead by this point in history. I highly doubt a lack of a Great War would have changed public opinion to re-legalize slavery after it was abolished in the 1700's. Hell, by the time of Napoleon slavery would have been totally abolished throughout Europe, with the exception of the Ottoman Empire which abolished the practice in the Empire later in the 1880's. And there would have been a big enough European-styled political movement in the Empire (Young Turks) to keep slavery abolished (though shooting Armenians would still be in good taste). For the rest of Europe, it would have been by the time this RP opens a lush two-hundred years of human trafficking being illegal. The political culture - shaped since the Enlightenment of the 1700's when abolition became a hot item - would very much frown on the concept of slavery and having slaves would be very much frowned upon. It just seems crazy that out of the blue slavery would be a thing when the western powers get to sit on their African wealth. Sure the conditions would not have been optimal for labor (like the Congo Free State, which would have been abolished by the Belgian parliament and turned into the Belgian Congo), but there would have been rights at least. Otherwise, the only other "slave trader" nation that I could see existing would be the Turks. But they'd hardly have anyone around them to enslave but the local Kurdish and Armenian minority or criminals, and that's not much of an international market. The United Kingdom has also been fairly aggressive politically and militarily in abolishing slavery throughout its reach since 1820. Given its rule of Gibraltr and Malta, it would have the naval bases need to enforce its say and assist other local Great Powers - like the [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Italy]Kingdom of Italy[/url] - in keeping the slaves Abolished. And the British Navy isn't exactly something that would go away. Simply put, the slave trade in the European world - and for the most part beyond - would be dead.