[hider=Juneberry intro to classes.]Juneberry had a really weird feeling on her back. Like...really weird. Bed's were definately not supposed to feel like that. Along with that, she had the weird sensation that she was sitting upright. It took all of her power to raise her head, and something was stuck to her face. A book? Peeling herself up from the table she was laying on, Juneberry rubbed her eyes, unaware that some ink from the book she was reading had rubbed off on her forhead. after blinking a few times, she looked around and her thoughts jumbled together. [i]Ah, im in the library still.[/i] she thought, standing up and using her wand to return her books. She stretched and heard the unnerving sound of bones popping, but was relieved when nothing hurt as she started to walk out of the library. She considered just apparating back to her room, but she didn't have the image of it too well in her mind yet. That was the one thing you really needed, a clear image. So unfortunately, she had to take the time to walk back to her room. The halls were quiet of all but a few teachers getting ready for their lessons in the rooms with open doors. June peered into one and raised a brow, her interest wavering once she saw it was Muggle Studies. she thought that class was good for nothing but a napping period. Upon returning to her room, she noticed that Elsa was already up. After getting dressed in a dreadful pair of tight skinny blue jeans and a just as dreadful crop top that said REBEL on it, she put her robes on over and went to compare schedules with her friend. They both laid down on her bed next to eachother and read out what classes they were going to be in. Sebastian casually jumped on her belly, to lay down. (I made it like this in case anyone wanted to have a class with Juneberry. ^^) [center]Schedule for Lovegood, Juneberry: 4th year [b]Core Classes[/b] Potions: Slughorn, Horace History of Magic: Binns, Cuthbert Transfiguration: McGonnagall, Minerva Lunch Charms: Weasly, Fred Defence Against the Dark Arts: Granger, Hermoine [b]Elective Classes[/b] Divination: Brown, Lavender Care of Magical Creatures: Lovegood, Luna[/center] With a frown she noticed her favorite class [i]would[/i] be last on the list. Upon looking at her friends schedule, she saw the only class she shared with Elsa was Care of Magical Creature. "Oh, you signed up for Divination. Shoot, i should have signed up for it as well. I chose to do Rune Studies...what was i thinking?" she said looking at June who looked back at her. "Well, at least we share one class. Now i wont really be alone at least this year." she gave a small smile and sat up to fix her hair. She walked over to her little closet and reached up to grab her crown made of flowers. Upon doing so a small rat climbed down and she nearly screamed. After Elsa had explained it was her pet rat Brutus, she shrugged hopeful that Sebastian wouldnt eat him. She placed her crown on her lavender colored head and smiled at her friend. "What do you think?" she said with a spin. Elsa was putting Brutus in his cage and when she was done, turned to look at June. "You look great. What about me?" she said giving a pose as well. She was was wearing her robes open so June could see the dress she had given her the day before. When she smiled she had dimples, and her short bonde hair made her look.... "Adoreable!" Juneberry concluded, throwing her hands in the air. "Wooo!" Elsa said, doing the same. Finally. Someone who accepted weirdness by doing something weird themselves. June smiled at her friend before reaching back up to get her other flower crown. she skipped to Elsa and placed it on her head. "There, now we both have a Confidence Crown." "Confidence crown?" she asked, tilting her head. "Yeah. I call it that because when i wear it, i dont feel so nervous." "Oh....cool!" June grabbed her purse and took out her camera. "Lets take some pictures. And i have a great idea how to do it. I'll take one of you then you of me and then one with us together." she said. When Elsa nodded, she raised her camera to her eye. "On the count of three say 'first day!' One...two... three." "First day!" Elsa said jumping into the air as June snapped the picture. She laughed at it and traded places with her. She thought about what pose to do, and decided to do the same thing Elsa did. "Okay Juneberry, count of three say 'first day'. One, two, three!" she said before clicking the button to snap a picture. June jumped up and said "First Day!" and smiled. She knew it was going to come out awesome. "Okay. Last one." she said taking it back from Elsa. "This time lets make silly faces!" The two of them went to sit on Elsa's bed and they scooted in close for a picture. June made the classic selfie duck lips face and Elsa crossed her eyes and smiled with her teeth. Once June snapped the picture, she made a mental note to get these developed the next time she went to Hogsmeade. Putting the camera around her neck, June went to get her wand and then put her purse into her closet. "Okay, lets go Elsa. I'll show you to your class so your not late." Taking her friends hand, she led her out of the room. Elsa's first class was Charms so she led her to Professor Weasly's room then waved goodbye. The halls were filled more with students then as the time neared to start classes. Staying close to the walls, June skipped her way over to Professor Slughorns room and took a seat right at the front. There was a stack of textbooks piled high for the first class to recieve and immediately June regretted leaving her purse behind. Now she had to carry her books around with her all day! She had completely forgot about that! With a sigh, June placed her head on her hands, resting her elbows on the desk as she did. She wondered who would be joining her in all her classes today, but she didnt dwell on it too much. Only time would tell. As she stared at the stack of textbooks her mind started to wander to more interesting things, that really, no one but her thought was interesting.[/hider]