Edwin walked back over where Elise was sitting and said, "What were looking for is something that is just off about Sierra. You know her so go with that. Start with her 'My Documents' and go through the folders. See if there's anything that stands out to you. Like I've told you think in terms of an 'odd sock'. Like you're looking in a sock drawer and you see the one thing that stands out." He walked back over to her closet and began to look around. Edwin noticed that everything is Sierra's world was just so. That everything had a purpose and/or a place there wasn't anything just there for the sake of being there. He saw a box sitting on a top shelf and pulled it down. Edwin opened the box and saw several items that had to do with Sierra being in high school. This struck Edwin as odd, because why would Sierra already be boxing up high-school memories when she still had a couple of more years to go? Did she know something was about to happen? Was she trying to hide something? Edwin said, "Found a box with high school memories in it. Then again she wasn't done with it so why is she already putting things like this in a box already?" Edwin started thumbing through and was making mental notes. It was then noticed something about the covers of the year book, school newspapers, and her test scores. Edwin.said, "What if this box as a whole is the odd sock?" Edwin began laying everything across the bed and said, "Look this room is in the upper left hand side of the house. Now look at each upper left corner of each corner there's a letter. Arrange the letters just so and...." Edwin arranged everything so it spelled out the word "Raven." Edwin smiled and said, "Nevermore." He walked over to the raven and when he picked it up Edwin felt something. He gave it to Sierra and said, "It has a velcro opening I'll let you do it."