Again, thanks for you input. You're clearly knowledgable on the subject. But frankly I'm totally fine with this world not making perfect sense to history buffs out there. I'm happy to accept the existence of magic, dragons and all manner of other things in fictional stories so I can live with anachronistic or historically incorrect institutions existing in this one . If you don't like the setting that's fine, you don't have to join this roleplay I'm certainly not forcing you. In fact I'm happy with the amount of players we have already and they seem to be able to accept the setting for what it is so that's enough for me. I'd rather not fill the OOC with discussion that hasn't really got much bearing on the roleplay itself given that you don't seem to be interested in creating a character and joining in, so if you'd like to add anything else you're welcome to PM me rather than continue posting here. If not, good luck with your own creative works.