Gore's eyes turned dark as he saw Rorshe come closer to him, fighting the urge to maim him. These humans, every last one of him found him to be a jest! Something to be mocked at, instead of killing him they were making him look like a fool! Everything in the Blood Dragons heart was yelling at him to turn and to burn EVERYONE there. He knew he could, even if it meant he would die. Though his eyes fell over the children that were still in the stadium, making him whimper. Not all of the kids were ushered out, making Gore's eyes drop to the floor. He could only imagine what would happen if he changed. The panic would make them either be trampled or worse..He would burn them with the rest. "..You are the monsters..." Gore said, taking a deep breath before looking up at the dark haired man, growling. "Ignorant human..The words you speak with that fangless mouth of yours shows how little you truly know of my kind." Stiffening up, he felt the blade that was at his throat press even tighter against his skin. The ancient Dragon already accepted his fate was to die here, on stage to a man who was the purest of reasons why he held his crusade. Instead of fighting back and ensuring that the children of the stadium would perish, he would die himself. As a joke for all to laugh at. Gore just smirked when Rorshe stepped closer, nodding to him. Leaning up to meet his weapon, Gore kept his eyes on the man who would be the one to kill him. "..This day shall haunt you for the rest of your life, human..Nay for the things you say or what you do..but the outcome in which you do it..Here lies Rorshe..the one who killed a stabled legend, no battle was fought, just a simple dive of his blade to an already kneeling 'monster'. All the glory be yours." Gore was about to be impaled through the chest when he heard the stout man speak up in his defense, actually make Gore look over at him in shock. The Blood Dragon stared at him, then looked at the crowd as if to find his potential buyer. Though with Rorshe in his way, he couldn't see anyone. With a growl, Gore moved to step up, grabbing the weapon Rorshe was about to use on him, bending it backward, showing just how strong he genuinely was. The Blade that was at his throat stayed, but quickly began to slip away from his neck just from the height of the Dragon. "Looks like your honor will remain only slightly broken, human.." His teal eyes remained on Rorshe as the Human stared back, clearly agitated. Gore could tell that this man so DESPERATELY wanted his end, only he wouldn't earn it today. The Anicent Dragon was ecstatic to have it so that the man before him was denied. Humans were naive and thought themselves superior, so every victory against that belief made it all the more special. "No one else will outbid this lovely young woman!? Then my dear, he is all yours!" Said the auctioneer in an oddly gleeful voice, cheering at her and clapping his hands. The tiny man seemed to be rather happy about the outcome of tonight's events. Who is to know what was going to happen to any of them, but one thing was certain. The man who was trying to sell him would have lost his job if not worse if the Order was going to execute their greatest prize. Gore stepped closer to Rorshe, pressing his chest against the Lieutenant's. The smirk remained on the Dragons lips. The gleam in his dark teal eyes gave Rorshe even more of a reason to growl and be angry. The black haired man moved away from the Blood Dragon as the employee's of the auction moved to chain Gore and lead him off stage. The auctioneer moved to announce the end of the auction, and told the winners of the auction that if they have yet to register their Dragons, to move to the office to meet their winnings. They had the option to have their Dragons shipped to their homes or if they would prefer to simply keep them there. Once the auction had ended, the stout man quickly moved off stage, moving to Gore with a smile. He patted his shoulder with a nod, looking at him. "I know why you didn't fight back mate..I get why you did what you had and why you remained idle when that awful man threatened you. Thank you." Said the stout man, quickly moving away from the Blood Dragon who in every regard stood shocked and wide eyed. Did that tiny man just thank him!? Twice in one month a human actually showed compassion toward one of his kind, making him smile widely. Not smirk or grin, just a genuinely sincere smile. Never had Gore been so happy to be proven wrong that -all- ,mankind were despicable. With a nod, the Blood Dragon was slowly led to the office when it was his new masters turn to register him as theirs. Gore kept his gaze down at the floor, making sure to avoid eye contact with other humans. Now that he was officially owned, he went back to the old ways of what it meant to be just what he was. A servant. Moving into the rather large room, he remained idle at the side of it, not caring whether or not his shoulder was still bleeding. It didn't seem to slow down the Dragon at all. The man at the desk had finished most of the paper work before nodding to Gore so he would come over. "Alright Gore, here's what you do, you see this little box here? Press yer claw up agai-" The Blood Dragon had already done it before he was done, making the man just laugh and nod. "Seems he already knows how things work haha..yer last owner must'a taught you well boy." With that, he set the paperwork down and moved to look at the Blood Dragon before his owner came in. "..They really did a number on ya lad.." Taking out a cloth, he started to clean up the wounds he suffered, patting the shoulder that wasn't shot. Did all humans do that?.. "With how yer standin' now, ya coulda pushed em off of ya self..Why didn't'cha eh? Did you actually wanna die?" He asked, looking at the Blood Dragon with a bit of fear but also genuine curiosity. "Haha sorry fer all them questions boy, I just haven't ever met somethin' as legendary as you.." With that, he moved to sit back down and wait for the owner that would come and present herself. When she did, Gore would keep his eyes to the floor, still not able to tell who it was. Though the faint sounds of footsteps did make him question the size of his owner. "Ah! Ms. Sylvazard! Welcome, welcome! Please have a seat and we'll complete the registration." Shuffling through papers, he sat down a clear folders of the rules and regulations of what it meant to own a Dragon. "Alright so these are the rules, Some of them are specific but only to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone! You can enforce them however you like." He also set down brochures on the things she could do with him such as the Arena, or sporting events that could get her extra income or even fame. "These are the events you can do with him other then your every day stuff..He would probably be a champion in the Arena's if I do say so myself." Finally he placed the registry form in front of her, the same one that Gore had just marked. Pointing to several places she could sign for him as well as pay for him. "Sign here, here and here and he'll be all yours Ms..Gore, why not greet your new master." Gore looked up and he finally saw who it was, blinking quickly to see if it was real. That is when he moved forward, kneeling to her. "..Greetings, master. From this day on until your last I will always be with you, to keep you safe, and to care for you." He said in his normal deep tone, looking up at her. It was actually the same human who he saved. The naive one that always assumed everything he did was silly and didn't question why he did anything!