[I]"F*ck[/i] The one word that kept resurfacing in all the muddled thoughts. [i]F*ck[/i] Alex had been sitting in the plane for hours, his arm propped up on the arm rest, his chin snug in his palm. He starred out at the vast blue and thought many different things. Things like memories, things like aspirations, things like people. His teeth grinding slowly across each other repeatedly as he idled the hours away, he reflected on his past, what had he done to get stuck with this old shtick again? oh right... [i]F*ck[/i] That was a mess if he had ever made one. Dismissed with a exaggerated sigh his thoughts scurried off to the darker corners of his mind, awaiting to resurface and haunt him later. Alex looked about his seating area, tapping his fingers sporadically on whatever surface they judged to have a decent percussion. He was scanning for something to do, someone to talk to. He had taken this flight before, and it felt just as long this time around, sitting still for so long with nothing to was driving Alex sane. Not something Alex ever really hoped for. [b]Welcome to paradise...[/b] A familiar message relayed throughout the flying bus. [i]"Oh thank god"[/i] Alex stated desperately to nobody. He needed to get off this damn thing, it plagued him with a dreadfully comfortable feeling he couldn't shake off. He needed darkness, real, artificial, darkness. Just as the plane touched down and began to slow, Alex managed to stand up, the joints in his long arms creaking and making audible popping noises as he motioned to retrieve his bag from overhead. His suitcase which contained the many different sets of similar clothes he had, and if he had not just been on probation, his familiars as well. [i]"Poor Greg, Alice and Anne...darlings are probably itching to move just as much as I am..."[/i] Alex muttered as he continued to move about, adjust, retrieve and motion until he was allowed off the accursed travel catalyst. He floated along with his shadow quickly down the stairs and into the luggage, to retrieve his other, larger, sturdier suitcase. He used it as a shield against the disgustingly perfect sunlight. As he watched a man he had never seen, yet he was all too familiar with, approach. A man who would soon, tell the small group many things, things such as what they can and cannot do (Which Alex personally felt was just a suggestion) Things they should say, things they should think and things they should be. All of which, Alex had heard before, it was all going to be uniform, proper, and helpful. Three words not used to describe anything Alex enjoyed. He let a ghoul of air escape his lungs once more in the form of a sigh as he waited for the man to start barking whatever leader like things he had to say. Another annoyed tapping began, as Alex's impatient foot began dancing with the hard airways jet black asphalt. [i]F*ck[/i]