I'd like to put this CS out there, if you'll have me? Name: Brant Harlow Age: 34 Height: 6'0 Build: Brant is a tall imposing man. His body is well muscled from 2 years of working in construction, and a previous 7 years of incarceration. Appearance: [hider=Appearance] [img=http://cdn.sheknows.com/articles/2011/03/sean-william-scott-rehab.jpg] [/hider] Family: Brant came from a large family living in the Lemon City neighbourhood of Miami. His mother, Karen, was a general welfare layabout with a pill addiction, and frequent bouts of alcoholism. His father, was absent from his life. His sister, Patricia, who is 2 years younger than him, lives in New York, having graduated from University in Business Administration. His half-brother, 2 years older than him, Michael was incarcerated when the outbreak occurred (incarcerated for murder). Brant's younger brother (12 years younger also a half brother), Carlos, was killed while attempting to rob a pawn shop 4 years ago. Brant found his mother at her home in Lemon City, zombified after the outbreak. She was at the time in her bedroom, and unable to bring himself to end her life, he locked the door. Presumably she is still there as a member of the living dead. The fate of Brant's sister is unknown, she never was able to contact Brant once the outbreak started, Brant fears the worst. His incarcerated brother Michael's fate is unknown, Brant assumes that being locked in a cell and in a prison removed from the city would have kept him safe. But he doubts the guards would have mercy on the prisoners, or attempt to help them or set them free. Personality: Brant is a wisecracking jokester. He is sociable and outgoing. He has a natural intelligence, but circumstances of his life have left him uneducated. He's tough both physically and mentally to his upbringing. Occupation Before: Brant has been a general layabout for most of his life. Growing up in the neighbourhood of Lemon City, he was near to crime and poverty all his life. With an absentee father, and a pill popping mother, he was left to his own devices, like many others children in the neighbourhood. He and his friends fell in with the wrong crowd, and started acting as lookouts for the drug related criminal activities taking place in their neighbourhood. Eventually he himself took to running drugs, finding the job both exhilarating and well paying. 9 years ago after an altercation with some thugs outside of a club, he was busted by the Miami PD for possession, and charged with possession, intent to distribute, and assault. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison. After 7 years, he got out on parole(for good behaviour, community service, getting his GED, and lining up a job on the outside) still having to report to a parole officer. His job working for construction has been his occupation for the 2 or so years leading up to the outbreak. Notable skills: Working construction for the past 2 years he has developed skills in that field, but is by no means a master electrician or carpenter. His skills there are still amateurish. He can drive. His physical ability, and years of practice have made him an excellent climber and runner. Living in Miami all his life, he's visited the beach more than a few times and can swim. Being a part of criminal enterprise his whole life, he knows quite a bit about controlled substances and can roll a very nice J. He can dance. Besides that, he's an average person with average capabilities. Bio: Born and raised in Miami in the low income neighbourhood of Lemon City, Brant has been independent, and grew up tough with an absentee father, and a pill addicted mother. He never tried in school, barely passing each year, making his way up to high school. In high school, he and his friend stopped caring at all. They started smoking chronic, vandalising, stealing, and getting into fights. In his junior year, Brant dropped out of school, and with his best friend became lookouts for the same criminal organisation that his brother was running drugs for. That same year his older half-brother got into an altercation with some rivals outside a down town Miami club, and shot a man. His brother was charged and convicted, facing life imprisonment for murder. Brant's mother, Karen tried to get Brant out of his criminal life path, and Brant for a while wanted too as well. Pressure from his friends and his boss to stay on, and take up his brothers mantle made him decide to stay. After a few years, he got the opportunity to be a runner, transporting and selling like his brother. He made more money, and started buying finer things, and fixed up his mom's house. But it wouldn't last. Now 25 Brant was at a club, trying to sell, when he and his friends got into an altercation with some rival criminals. The police were called, and Brant and his friends were busted, and Brant got 15 years in prison. He was let out after only 7 and decided to turn his life around at the behest of his mother. He took up a job working construction and rented an apartment in Lemon City, preferring to stay near his mother to take care of her. Now 34, the outbreak has happened and the whole world has been turned inside out. Fearing for his mothers life upon hearing the news of the outbreak, he skipped work and went to his mothers home, bringing some of his things and supplies with him. Once there the home appeared abandoned. He went into the basement to fetch the pistol his mother had always kept, when he heard a thud upstairs, coming from his mother room. He went up there to investigate, only to find his mother had turned. Unable to bring himself to end her life, he closed the door, and barred the way by pushing a shelf in front of the door. He ransacked the house taking whatever he could find that was useful, including his mothers pistol, some spare ammunition, and his trusty sledgehammer from the construction yard. Disability/Fear: Moderate to severe allergies to: Pollen, dust, hay fever, and pet dander. Weapon of Choice: A Sledgehammer [hider=My Spoiler] [img=http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61pH9uH46RL._SL1500_.jpg] [/hider] A Beretta 92FS 9mm Pistol [hider=My Spoiler] [img=http://www.imfdb.org/images/thumb/4/49/Beretta-Inox.jpg/350px-Beretta-Inox.jpg] [/hider] Equipment: 2 x Boxes of Federal Premium 9x19mm Handgun Ammunition (20 Rounds per Box) 2 x Ten Round detachable box magazines for pistol Black Backpack 2 x 1 Litre Plastic Disposable water bottles (full) 5 x Cans of fruit 1 x Jar of Pickles 1 x Large bag of dried jerky 1 x Large bag of pepperettes 2 x Rayovac Industrial handheld flashlights (no extra batteries, unknown charge levels of current batteries) 1 x Box of Band aids 1 x 100ml (full currently) bottle of Benedryl Allergy medication 2 x Tubes of deodorant 1 x Nail scissors Black NYY baseball cap (Worn) A pair of faded blue jeans (Worn) A purple collared flanel (worn) A white undershirt (worn) A pair of brown and blue Nike shoes (worn) A pair of grey socks (worn)