EDIT: Character up for approval/denial. A couple questions... 1.) are there normal goat goats or just ancient goats? 1a.) if there are normal goats are they sacred or can they be used to ride or as pack animals? 2.) is plant/nature an element? [hider=Percival] [hider2=Percival][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/whldHTg.jpg[/IMG][/hider2] Name: Bergenshurgenoffgunsun. Everyone just calls him Percival. Age: 1 and 1 and 1 and…he’s not sure, he’s not very good at math. Old enough to steal booze. Gender: M Appearance: Percival is quite small topping out, on a good day, around 4 ft tall and skinny as a starving dog. His green skin however is quite lustrous and warty, and with his long pointy nose and his long pointy ears he is actually quite the handsome specimen of goblin kind. He knows this and often touts his fantastic looks, not realizing that not everyone has a true understanding of goblin beauty. His limpid brown eyes and nasty sharp pointy teeth are a contradiction of sorts, the first puts people at ease the second makes them edgy. He doesn’t realize this and when he grins his sharp teeth look like nothing so much as a gaping maw about to bite someone. He has terrified even the most hardened of hearts with his well meaning grin. He dresses in brown leather clothing and occasionally, when he remembers to put it on, patchwork brown hide armor. He completes his dress with whatever shiny things he happens to have found recently, valuable or not, and always carries his beer mug hooked on his belt. He keeps a soap-on-a-rope tucked carefully in a pocket along with some lengths of wire that make good lock picks. Race: goblin Main Weapon: Beer Mug (if its handy) or a petrified Soap-on-a-Rope. Both are special to Percival and comprise three of his 5 prize possessions (the fourth are his “lockpicks” and the fifth, well I said he wasn’t good at math). The beer mug is forged from the finest tin and taints all beer that in it with a faint metallic taste. Percival is so used to this that beer without that flavor is just wrong. He’s convinced the mug must be magical because it’s the only thing that can make a proper beer and thus it is his favorite possession. And in truth it is magical, but not in the way that he thinks, it cannot be broken, bent, damaged, rusted, etc. It also has a bit more heft than tin should have, making an admirable thunking weapon. This unique item was given to him by a spell-born lass who’s house he accidentally on purpose burned down. He destroyed her house but he saved her life for the presence of the fire fueled her strongest magics and she was able to easily dispatch the mob of angry goblins and run away steam powered goat headed turtle that were about to kill her (long story, suffice to say lots of beer and a stupid dare led to the situation). The petrified soap on a rope is simply that, soap on a rope that has gone so long unused that the soap on the end has turned into basically a waxy rock. Percival found this weird item while looting something…he’s forgotten what. He was completely perplexed by the thing and its purpose, having never used soap in his life, and therefore thought it must be something greatly unique and special. He never has figured out its true purpose but it makes an admirable weapon that fits in one’s pocket. He’s grown quite adept at using it. Personality: Percival is an easy going sort of thief. Outspoken, boisterous, fun-loving, and only sometimes brave. He loves to steal, loves to burn things down, loves to drink, and apparently loves to run because he finds himself doing that quite a lot. He’s quite good at hiding, or so he thinks. If it weren’t for virtue of his small size he might be less adept for the places he chooses to hide are often quite terrible. He’s still alive however, and that says a lot for his skill. In fact he thinks he’s quite good at a lot of things. This is not always the case. He loves fire, explosions, and everything related and is constantly stealing things related to fire. Unfortunately he’s also prone to accidentally catch any number of things on fire or blow them up. At any one time he has at least a hundred matches stuck on his person, usually in nooks and crannies best not explored by the faint of heart. But when needed he can always procure one. He also loves shiny things, valuable or no, and will often help himself to baubles that catch his eye. That is the one thing he is truely good at, he’s an exceptional thief. Especially with acquiring things from another’s person or getting through locked doors, chests, etc. He doesn’t think himself a thief usually, he has a somewhat flexible concept of ownership, most don’t really understand this however no matter how much he explains it. Drinking, to him, is a serious matter but to be taken lightly…in other words drink lots, drink often, and have fun doing it. And if you run out of beer then you’d better steal some more. [/hider]