Richard heard the door open again and rolled over to face the door way. He smiled at the newcomer as Dai introduced her to everyone and Richard waved lazily at the woman he now knew as Raven. Another name Richard thought was nice, however it did remind him of a specific short story written by Edgar Allen Poe, though he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was, probably The Tell-Tale Heart. So many new names to remember on this trip how could Richard ever keep track of them all. Richard decided that he should probably get up to get the supplies he had packed for the trip and bring them inside. After a few moments of mentally preparing himself to get up, he decided it would probably just be better if he rolled off the couch. He hit the ground with a moderate thud and a groan before he picked himself up and rubbed his arm, which had hit the ground first. It didn't really hurt at all, but he wasn't exactly someone with a high pain tolerance so it did sting a little but that would pass. Taking a mental note to not do that again even if he was feeling particularly unmotivated to move. He made his way out the door and towards his car until he opened the passenger's seat and took out his SG and amp which he proceeded to bring inside post-haste and place beside the couch he was taking. He then went back out and opened his back of clothes which was almost full, he took the blanket and pillow he had just laying around on the seat and attempted to fit them into the duffle bag with moderate success. The bag could almost be closed all the way, except for one end where about 3 inches of zipper remained open. He brought it in and put it beside the guitar and then made his way towards the kitchen. Richard opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water and leaned on the counter across from P-J. "Hey." Richard said with a smile.