Hahaha it happens to all of us, Calla. Or do you prefer Lily? I know your pain though :P Anyway I'll be writing a post now! Btw DancePants if you're interested, I can make banners for our characters to put at the top of our posts. I know you said you preferred to keep things writing-focused, but I thought I'd make the offer anyway. I find they help bring the IC to life and break up the walls of text between players, and gives me a clearer picture of who I'm reading about. I always offer to do them in every RP I join, but it's down to you guys if you want them of course haha. (I'd need pictures if you guys decide you like them.) :) [hider=just some examples of what I mean by banners][img=http://i.imgur.com/dgr84jS.jpg] [img=http://i.imgur.com/gR35RiY.jpg] [img=http://i.imgur.com/jZB9EQE.jpg][/hider] EDIT: Hope it's all right I took some liberties with having Crispin be familiar with Terrance as well, though I can certainly edit that out if it's too buddy-buddy for how close you want the fairies to be with one another. :) Btw I finally watched Frozen at work yesterday, haha! All I need to do is watch Brave now and I'll be all caught up with Disney movies again. I've just been procrastinating with Merida since I heard so many negative things about her movie... ~___~