Oh no, I absolutely hate when RPs have enormous and convoluted graphics, different color schemes, and all that nonsense that comes with posting haha. I just like seeing [i]some[/i] color in RPs, but not to the extent I've seen on Gaia. For that reason I've never RPed there anyway haha. I'm the same way too @ never finding the exact picture. I dislike having to use representations someone else crafted for some other character because I'm not talented enough to bring my thoughts properly to paper. (I'll always add footnotes like, oh the bangs are actually longer than this, and she's chubbier than in the pic but of course you'll never find the right weight, blah blah blah.) Though the gm in this other RP I've been in for about 1.5 years now has spoiled me with his style of banners (a tiny square cast shot with the character's name/rank/class beside it, as the RP's jrpg-based), so I've gotten used to seeing a thin picture at the top of posts. xD Always feels a little bland without colors now, but it's liveable hahaha! Again, totally understandable if you want to completely shy away from that though haha. :) The offer'll stay an open one hehe!