[b]Carbombya[/b] Suddenly in the middle of the battle,a giant mechanical knight appears. However as soon as it appears it gets hit with some tank shells that were fired at the spot where it stood.. After the dust was cleared ,and much to the soldiers' shock, the mech appears to be unharmed, said shells failing to damage its nearly indestructible Orichalcum armor. The soldiers stare in shock at the new entity that showed up before them, meanwhile Loternus smirks to himself "seems i've got their attention now" as he preforms a couple of hand signs to summon a wind sigil, using the wind to make his voice carry over to every single person in Carbombya. " Citizens of this country whose name shall become Neo Destructa! I am your new ruler Loternus ,from the house of Altorias ,Future ruler of Destructa and current ruler of Neo Destructa , introducing myself to you all! you have but two options here: Accept me as your new ruler, and have a few of you die in vain!" And then his voice lowers " or resist me, and have most of you die in Vain.." He then proceeds to grab one of the fallen mechs, made it kneel on its hands and legs and sat on it while crossing his legs "you have 5 minutes to decide how many lives will be lost in my conquest, the end result however will be the same...so do take that into consideration"