Phil was exhausted by the end of the War Room incident. Two hours of combat would do that to you. Although some of his teammates seemed to be upset with Ditto for his mistake, Phil didn't hold it against him. [i]We did all make it out okay. Exept...Apollo.[/i] Phil frowned as he remembered the Grecian demigod being carried off. [i]Well, maybe I'll hold it against him a little... His hearts in a good place, though.[/i] Phil removed his helmet, and his clothes returned to normal street-ware. As they walked back from the battle, a terrible odar assalted Phil's nose. [i] Ugh, what is that? it smells like..[/i] "Smells like a wet dog." Ditto seemed to pull the words right out of Phil's mouth. Suddenly, a great hulk of fur and muscle appeared before the group. [i] A wolfman?[/i] Phil thought. [i]I wonder if his affliction is magical. That would be something Zatanna would know. I've only heard of vampires. Who knows, maybe Frankenstein's monster is real too.[/i] Everyone was introducing themselves to the Apparently, the wolfman's name was Fenrir, or Lupe to Orbit. The lupine newcomer seemed to overshadow the other addition to the team, a girl that goes by Bast. Phil desided to introduce himself to her. "Hey, I'm Phil, um, Fate. I mean, my name is Phil but my codename is Fate." He had dropped the "doctor" because he felt unworthy of the title; he would have dropped "fate" too for the same reason, but superheroes can't go by "Phil". "I like your name. Egyptian mythology is so interesting. Um, don't you think?" [i]Phil you're such a dork. Like always. Look at her! She's a tough as nails bad ass and here you're blabbering on about your college major.[/i]