As always, Chris and Tony remained close to one another as they walked. Not long into the resumed journey, Tony's legs began to ache again. Days of running with only short breaks... he didn't want to imagine what would happen if he collapsed. So he marched through it, smiling all the way to the treeline because that's what his best friend would expect. He wasn't the best liar, but he knew exactly how to fool her. Watching the density of the trees decrease before them, and the abandoned shacks and cars begin to appear around a dirt road, relief sprang up like a cat at feeding time with its ears pricked. For the briefest moment Tony felt better, before reality struck him in the gut. He couldn't remember when he stopped smiling, but worry painted itself across his features now. [b]“Infected are most likely around here somewhere.”[/b] When their new companion dropped down on the outskirts of the small town, Chris pulled the rifle over her shoulder back into her hands. She looked down the sights in every direction, motioned for her companions to follow, then walked slowly into the town. If there were infected to be dealt with, she would make sure they met a swift end. She made her way through the town from its main road, passing rows and rows of empty housing before catching sight of the first store. Still, it was a quarter mile away, its colourful sign like a beacon. Chris slowed and trained her rifle on every conceivable exit and entrance, then glanced back at Tony and Joshua and indicated down the road to the store. Predictably, Tony responded with an enthusiastic nod.