P-J was just taking in everything going on around him when Rich approached him. P-J knew Rich through his friendship with Rayne and P-J thought he was all-right, but he didn't know enough about him to classify him as a close friend. Still though all indications were that Rich was an all-right guy and Rayne had good taste in his friendships, so P-J was cool with Rich. P-J smiled back and said, "Hey there Rich nice to see ya." P-J raised his bottle and took a swig. P-J put his bottle back down on the bar and said. "It seems like Dai wasn't exactly ready for all of this, and that Rayne invited a few more than he was supposed to. All that being said though it'll be all-right I think the key is to just take it as it comes." He took another drink and said, "I saw you brought your SG with you looking forward to hearing you during the summer. I'm a Springsteen fan when it comes to music. Seen him four times even got to be in the front row once." P-J looked back at Dai and said to Rich, "We gotta help keep our host on an even keel. Right now the poor guy looks like he's gonna have a nervous breakdown if you look at him wrong. Can't say I blame him though the majority of people here he wouldn't know if they were wearing name-tags and had their resumes with them. Now he's playing host to them." P-J shook his head and said, "It's gonna be an interesting time until we all get used to one another. Not to mention who knows who may hook up with whom as the summer goes on." P-J nodded and said, "Okay I think Dai could use some lightening of his load." P-J walked over to the desk grabbed a sheet of paper and wrote on it. He walked back over to the bar and motioned to Dai who was on the phone. He held up the note that read, "Is there anything I can do to help you out?"