[b]Kurt Halner[/b] Kurt and Spiderbolt had been at the doctor's for quite some time already, they had arrived almost immediately after the fight with the dark-goblin and, after a rather large amount of money changed hands, Spiderbolt was placed, on an operating table and the doctor looked at him and grunted. A few hours later the doctor came out of his operating room, a room off to one side of his small apartment, and looked at Kurt. "Whoever this guy is, he's lucky. None of those arrows pierced anything vital, i got them all out and your friend there should be alright once the wounds heal up." Kurt nodded to the doctor and walked into the room where Spiderbolt was now recovering on an old hospital bed wearing nothing but a paper hospital gown and his mask, his costume folded up neatly on a chair nearby. Looks like the old man kept his promise to not take off the mask. All that was left to do now was wait for the anesthesia to wear off, as he waited Kurt chatted idly with the doctor about heists he had pulled off and the new things he had acquired through rather nefarious means. He knew the doc wouldn't go to anyone with the information, he was the most tight-lipped man in the city, after all, if criminals knew he would blab about who came to his practice and why he'd be out of business and probably dead before sunrise. [b]Hank McCoy[/b] Hank growled as he stood back up he began walking toward Feraliss and Tyrian. The wolf had gotten in his way, he would kill it too. Hank stopped when he suddenly found himself in a stone cage which molded into a cube and became clear. Diamond. Hank growled, in his feral state he didn't know what this was but he didn't like it and began beating on the walls with his fists, trying to break down whatever was blocking his path. He continued like this for quite some time until he collapsed from exhaustion, his hands swollen and bloody from the attempted escape.