[center][b]The First Class of a Better Generation[/b] [i]by Prince[/i][/center] [hider=Summary]The roleplay is kicked off with a small gathering of people to be assigned into groups. Some meet for the first time, others have seen each other in class, but for the most part, everyone will be coming to terms with the people their assigned being who they (hopefully) spend the next several years of their life with, for better or worse~[/hider] [indent]It was a warm summer day and a cool breeze blew through the streets of Konohagakure. Class had just let out, for both the regular academy and the Shinobi Academy, but this year marked a new age. This time, there were graduates. Although a select few Shinobi were pushed through the Shinobi Academy, that was only a handful; this year marked the first generation where academy students graduated and turned into full-time Genin. That, however, was not the end. With a pool of nearly eighty genin - an impressive amount - no single person would be ushering them into the Shinobi World. Instead, on the last day of class, every fresh Genin was told that they would receive letters from their new prompters with instructions as to how and when they would be assigned their teammates and their sensei. Those who they met through their prompter would not only be their potential teammates, but they would be the members of their division. To promote cross-team training, Shinobi of various skill levels and even in various teams would be given sectors, extending their pool of resources and hoping to strengthen the bonds of the village.[/indent] Goro Sroda, Myth Okiyama, Fuwa Amaya, Jhino, Agani Hozuki and Seiga Tomoe would all be Division A, and would all share the same prompter: Shin Uzumaki. Shin acted as the Jounin Commander of Konohagakure and was considered a foremost war hero. Shin was one of the original followers of Sai, the Conqueror during his reign. He betrayed Sai to join the resistance and became one of its leaders, and even an icon to hope for some, despite those who question him. Admittedly, they do so for valid reason. Shin was not only an Elite of the Sai regime, he is the half-nephew of Sai himself and grandson of the man whom Sai took the regime from. Shin is possibly best known as the son of Sai's half-brother, and that has put him into question throughout his life. Regardless, Shin has proven in countless situations where his loyalty resides, thus earning him the right to be prompter for some of the most high-potential shinobi in the village. Division A was set aside for just that; those with the highest potential. The letter was rather simple. It was sealed, albeit with the gold-leaf seal used by some of the fancier people of the village, but aside from that it was a plain white envelop with a plain piece of paper. Labeled with the name of each person and the signature of Shin himself at the bottom, the letter quickly instructed its reader to meet on Monday by noon at Training Ground 22, known as a taijutsu-oriented training ground, but with a large pavilion which was most likely the purpose of it being chosen for this event. At this point, it was only an hour before each individual should have shown up. Noon was approaching and everyone had been informed. Division A contained twenty-six people of varied rank and skill, and only about eight of them were there waiting. Most notably, Shin wasn't there yet, either.