[hider=Characteristics][center] [b]Name:[/b] Anwar Amir [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Clan:[/b] Bkir[/center][/hider] --- [hider=Appearance & Equipment][center][img=http://i1166.photobucket.com/albums/q619/GrandUxbrC/RP%20-%20Character%20Images/3cd34503-3de4-48b9-ac42-792208785fdd.jpg][/center] Anwar is a man of average height with straight black hair coming down to his ears. He has red eyes and almost always keeps a serious face. He dons a brown jacket, brown trousers and a pair of hard leather boots. He also wears a green coat from time to time. He is usually seen carrying a curved dagger his father gave to him as a present for his 18nth birthday - although not really knowing how to use it in a fight.[/hider] --- [hider=Personality] Although he might at first come out as a very serious person, Anwar is actually very outgoing and sociable. He will stand for and protect the ones he deeply trusts and will always try to find the best solution to a problem. However, he tends to act more on impulse rather than logic and that’s what gets him into trouble most of the time.[/hider] --- [hider=Bio & History] Anwar’s father, Fendrel was a renowned general in the Bkir clan's army back in his days. 20 years ago, while commanding his soldiers against an elven army in one of the numerous clashes between Cartharg and Vakgar, he made a wrong call and due to that, he was heavily injured. With the commander injured, the soldiers lost their morale and retreated back to safety while carrying Fendrel on their backs. Luckily, he was saved by one of the army’s healers, Alicia which he fell in love with. After he recovered from his injuries, he retired from the army and took Alicia for his wife. However, because he was ashamed of his defeat he opted not to return to his homeland and instead settled down in the outskirts of the small and peaceful village of Calsera. After 3 years, Fendrel and Alicia’s son was born, Anwar. Growing up, Anwar learned from his father a lot. He learned not to jump to conclusions very easily because that will eventually cost him just as it cost his father - something that he really doesn’t apply to his everyday life as he is very impulsive in everything he does. He works with his father on their farm on the weekdays and helps his mother if she needs anything but he never liked the idea of remaining his whole life a farmer, instead wanting to see the world, travel to different places and meet with different people. He takes pride in his lineage and his father and wants to join the army when he gets the chance. Fendrel has tried over the years to teach him the art of the sword but to no avail. His sword skills are comparable to a person trying to hit a flying bird with a 5 inch rock from 100 miles away and due to that he almost always relies on his fists in dangerous situations.[/hider] [i]finding a pic is really hard for this one.[/i] [i]Edit: best i could find. you have to imagine the rest of the body ^_^[/i]