Naomi barely flinched as the metal shards whizzed by her. Her main objective was to get a single six year-old girl to safety. In the midst of the chaos, the child had been separated from her mother, and she'd spent the last five minutes being carried around by a total stranger while the two searched frantically for her parent. "Carly? CARLY!?!?" a woman yelled. Hearing the cry, the little girl responded by yelling out. It was her mother. Bast continued to follow the voice until she found a woman just around the next street corner, standing in the middle of a rushing crowd. She quickly approached and exchanged hands with the little one's parent, taking note of the tears welling up in the woman's eyes. "Oh, my baby! My baby. Thank you so much, Catwoman. You're not the villain that my niece in Gotham says you are, after all." Bast hanged her head. "Sure thing. Anytime." With that, the mother and daughter fled. Naomi couldn't necessarily say that she was surprised at the assumption, even though she was nowhere near Grandma Kyle's age nor skin tone, but, then again, that child's mother had probably never laid eyes on the infamous anti-heroine in her entire life. Back on the scene of the battle, Bast skillfully dodged blast after blast that the super-villain threw at her. She'd spent the last couple of days and nights thoroughly going over villain dossiers. The digital library at the HQ was quite extensive, providing her all the info she'd ever need to plan ahead for missions. For example, for this mission in particular, Naomi had left behind her metal gauntlets and boots and instead replaced them with reinforced leather. She also called in a favor from Gotham and acquired a whip from Selina, which would prove quite effective for this battle. Just as Bast began to close in on Shrapnel, he let off another blast. This one couldn't be evaded. She was in trouble. Luckily for her, she wasn't alone. The gigantic half-beast, Fenrir, had put himself in harm's way, taking all of the heat for Naomi. Wide-eyed, she placed a gentle hand against the were-'s back. "You alright?" she asked. Without saying a word, Fenrir charged forth. "Hm. Gotta love his enthusiasm." Bast quickly matched Fenrir's speed, charging Shrapnel alongside him. She brought her whip forth and, when she was close enough, struck. The ten-foot villain had been in the middle of readying another blast when the leather slithered and coiled around his ankles, causing him to trip up and fall backwards. Her small part was done. She would whisper in Fenrir's ear before leaving his side. Like Selina, her voice was sultry, her words almost flirtatious. "He's all yours, wolfy. Tear him apart." Naomi's lips curved into a smirk as she fell back, letting Fenrir speed ahead. "Let's see how well he can defend himself on his back."