[b]Kurt Halner[/b] Kurt and the doctor stopped as Spiderbolt got out of bed, struggling to do so. "You know," The doctor said as he watched Spiderbolt, "You should probably stay in bed. You rip those stitches and I'm going to have to charge you for the new ones." Kurt chuckled at the doctor's comment, he knew the truth behind it, the one time Kurt had been foolish enough to rip his stitches the old man had been gutsy enough to charge him double for the new stitches. Kurt appeared next to spiderbolt in a cloud of black sulfurous smoke. "He's right, you should rest." Kurt said to his friend, offering an arm to help his friend back to bed, or at least to a chair. "Jesus Christ, boy, you mind not not doing that in here? Lord knows what sort of cancers or other bad shit that smoke could cause." The doctor yelled as he lifted his shirt to cover his mouth and nose. "Plus it smells like ass."