Hopefully this is ok. [hider=Character Sheet] Name/Aliases: Lanzel Taerth, but most simply call him Lance Sex: Male Age: 28 Appearance: [img]https://scontent-b-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/t1/1654276_355500971258946_353179327_n.jpg[/img] Personality: Strong willed and slow to anger, Lanzel considers himself a noble and valiant soldier of fortune. He can be arrogant at times, and is as hard headed and determined as they come. He does have a kind side, though it is often hidden behind a stern look and a sharp tongue. History: Lanzel lived an exceptionally uneventful childhood. He was orphaned as a babe, but was well cared for by the orphanage that took him in. He considered the other children his brothers and sisters, and would often play games with the other boys that required a lot of beating each other with sticks. Perhaps this was where he developed his love for fighting and sword play. He was never adopted, not that he cared, but he grew bored of the static life and as soon as he was old enough he left the orphanage to find his way in the world. Not long after leaving the orphanage, he came across a group of sell swords known as the Sons of Lasair. He became enamored by their strength and the tales they spun of their many adventures. Lanzel begged the Sons of Lasair to allow him to join, but simply laughed at him. “The Sons is not a place for an unproven whelp.” They would often taunt. But still, Lanzel refused to give, every day he pleaded with them to allow him to join, until finally the Hand of the organization agreed to give Lanzel a chance. He would have to prove himself against one of their newest recruits, a boy not much older than Lanzel himself. It is undeniable that Lanzel tried, indeed he tried with every ounce of strength and cunning he possessed. But beating up other boys with sticks is not the same as killing a man with a sword. It was good that the swords were blunted, or Lanzel would have been torn to ribbons. Blunted blades or not, he was still covered from head to toe in bruises and gashes where the other boys sword had made contact with flesh. For 30 minutes the one sided battle pressed on, it was plain to see that Lanzel had lost after the first minute, but Lanzel refused to give in. He was pushed by some determination that he could not explain, and was determined to become a Son of Lasair. After 30 grueling minutes of being hit with a dulled piece of metal, Lanzel’s body finally collapsed. When he woke he was sure that The Sons would have simply abandoned him on the road. He had lost after all, miserably as well. So he was surprised to find the Hand, who had given him the chance in the first place, was sitting beside him when he woke up. “Any man who can be beat on for 30 minutes and still refuse to give up has a place amongst The Sons. We usually only take skilled warriors, but I think we can make an exception for one so pig headed as yourself.” And so, from the age of 15 to the age of 25, Lanzel trained with the Sons of Lasair. He trained tirelessly day and night, until slowly, he became a master of the blade. The Sons of Lasair became his brothers as his strength in battle and his undying determination grew. When he was not in training with the sword he was training his mind. He read constantly, seeking to further his knowledge of tactics and strategy. Disaster soon struck The Sons of Lasair. Their master, the Head, became suddenly ill, by what none could tell for sure. All the healers they could find were unable to say what it was that afflicted him. Some said poisons, others said curses, and still some said it was the wrath of one of the great deities. But none could cure him, and at last, death took him. A new leader had to be chosen. The way The Sons of Lasair chose their Head was unlike most factions. The leader had to be strongest of the Sons, only the most cunning and skilled would ever be allowed to take the mantle as Head of the Sons of Lasair. To determine who would lead them, two tournaments were held. Every brother would be required to participate in one of the tournaments. The winners would then be required to face each other not in the arena, but on the battlefield. A mock battle was held, where each champion commanded his half of the Sons that he had competed against. When the dust settled, it was the Hand, and Lanzel himself who were the last two standing. The coming battle lasted a week, far longer than any could have predicted. Blunted blades covered in powder were used so that none could be killed or seriously injured. The battle was fierce, each commander proving their cunning and strength, but in the end Lanzel managed to lead a small party of his best man into the Hands camp and take him by surprise. In order to truly became the Head, however, one final task had to be undertaken, a pilgrimage of sorts. Lanzel traveled to Bolecawn, and climbed to the peak of the highest volcano. There, he prayed for three days and three nights, without food and with only enough water to keep him alive. He prayed for the strength and knowledge to lead the Sons of Lasair, and the power to defeat all those who would wish them harm. On the fourth morning, Lasair kissed the molten rock, as was the tradition. Expecting to feel the burn of the fiery volcano, he was surprised that when his lips touched the rock he felt nothing but rejuvenation and strength. A fiery passion exploded within him, and he felt the touch of Lasair himself, or perhaps it was what small part of him lingered on Bolecawn. Regardless of what happened on the Volcano, Lanzel was accepted as the Head of The Sons of Lasair. For the past 3 years he has led The Sons, who often fight for the highest bidder. But at times, when the need is great and the cause is just, the Sons of Lasair will fight for those who need it the most. They may be sell swords, but they still have their honor to think about. Optional Information Equipment: Lanzel often wears thick leather armor with pieces of chainmail mixed in to cover his most vulnerable areas. He wields twin blades, and often has a dagger or two hidden on his person, just in case Faction (If any): The Sons of Lasair Marital Status: None, who has time for that? Magic (Mundane or Arcane): A small amount of Mundane. Skills: [i]Blades Master:[/i] Lanzel is exceptionally skilled with the Blade and is able to weild two blades at the same time with exceptional skill and swiftness. [i]Gift of Lasair:[/i] After kissing the mouth of the volcano, Lanzel has discovered that fire no longer burns him; in fact, at times he will feel rejuvenated and stronger while in its presence. He has been known to cover his blades in oil and light them on fire, and while this is not an unheard of tactic amongst the Sons of Lasair, his blades stay aflame far longer than is natural and the fire cause no harm to the blades themselves. [i]Flexibility and Endurance:[/i] Lanzel is swift and flexible on his feet, able to dance around most in battle with ease. He is also able to take a hell of a beating and can continue to fight for hours before tiring. [/hider] [hider=Sons of Lasair]Faction: Name: The Sons of Lasair Location: On the Border of DuFair and the Zephyr Plains Purpose: To honor Lasair, and fight for the highest bidder, or the greatest cause. History: ( hope you don’t mind if I add this in later. )[/hider]