P-J looked over the note and heard Rich's offer to help. P-J looked at him and said, "Yeah those stairs look kinda tricky. I won't say no to an offer. Let's get to it," As P-J started to go get the luggage he said, "I grew up in a family with 10 of us in the house, so this ain't too bad. In terms of cooking Mom's a school teacher and Dad's a Police Detective, so one thing my parents made sure we knew how to was cook because we didn't always know when they'd be home. Some nights it fell to us to fix the dinner." P-J nodded and said with a note of pride," I whip a a pretty mean homemade Spaghetti Sauce. Well except for the time about 3 years ago I forgot to brown the Italian Sausage all the way through and gave just about everyone food poisoning." P-J shook his head and said the note of pride was gone, "My father threatened to throw me into jail, and with him that is never an idle threat either. Although my 3rd oldest sister had a Trig midterm the next day, so she wasn't too upset with me." He shrugged his shoulders and said, "The rest of the family well it happened in February, and it wasn't until Easter when everyone started talking to me again. Mainly because Father Moore had an Easter message about forgiveness." When P-J heard Rich mention Springsteen that made P-J smile. He said, "Cool deal! He's my guy all the way. Seen him four times and my dad even got me his autograph. Dad was still a beat cop doing traffic one night, and he came speeding through town. Dad pulled him over and realized who it was, so my dad said for an autograph to me he'd let him off with a warning. The rest is history." P-J grabbed one of the bags and said, "Let's get to it," With that P-J began moving to the upstairs and to the room.