Rei's pace slows as he reaches the end of the passage, his ears picking up faint noises of discontent. Sending his magic out he does not detect any but the prince beyond the door so he does not fret. The door slides open silently, the little catch off to the side letting out only a faint click as he flips it up. His eyes are fist drawn to the only movement in the room, his gaze roving over the bed where the young man seems to settle against the mattress. His brows furrow lightly as he moves closer to the large bed, his magic dancing about along the floor allowing him to remain alert to his surroundings while he examines the restless figure. Even in the mostly dark room Rei catches sight of the sheen of sweat covering his bare body and his head tilts in question. [i]'I wonder what is wrong. His breathing is fast, as if he has just been in an ordeal, however he. . . .'[/i] His mind drifts back to when he lived with the other assassins. He moves in even closer just as the boy rolls and he is once again filled with curiosity as the movement flashes his scared back to you young fae. [i]'I must ask him about those some time. I must know who in this household has the right to strike a prince'[/i] When at last Alessandro seems to settle into a more deep slumber Rei takes his eyes away from the other and instead looks to his room. From prior visits he knows the layout quite well, however he uses this opportunity engrave it more thoroughly into his mind, adding another page to his map. A faintly floral smell catches his attention and he follows it to a cloth laid out on the table. Reaching out he pulls the top back a bit so he can look on the flowers themselves. He knows little of herb and flower lore so the small plant means very little to him. However he does take note about it not being there last he was in the prince's chamber. Dropping the cover back the way he found it he looks once last time to his new ward and lets out a faint silent sigh. Content that he's done enough exploration for the evening he moves back to the passage. Leaving only a faint string of magic in the room to keep track of the happenings there he closes the door and returns to his own quarters. Now able to make noise without worry Rei finishes off the quail leg, bone and all, the crunching echoing lightly around the room as his lack of manners has him eating with his mouth open. He knows that he may need to do some learning of high society while in the palace, but in his own room he feels little need to stand on any sort of ceremony with only himself as company. Edging back over to the table he covers the meal once more and wanders over to the bookshelf, wiping his hands on his pants. Snatching up his bag as he passes it he sets about putting his books away. He arranges them carefully on the lowest shelf, away from the others so that they do not get mixed in on accident. Once finishes he glances over the tomes provided him by the prince, contemplating whether or not he wants to do some reading before he sleeps. After a few seconds he shakes his head and moves over to the bed. [i]'I will need as much rest as I can. Much of this night was taken up by my exploration, now I will need the rest if I am to be prepared for tomorrow'[/i] Reaching up ha carefully removes his hat, setting it on the bedside table. However he leaves the headband on. Should a servant glance in the room in the night before he notices them he does not wish to risk his ears being seen. Stripping off all but his undergarments he crawls over the bed and removes all but the thin sheet and with a contented sigh he curls up beneath it. Only the very top of his head peeks out from beneath the white fabric, settled beneath the pillows rather than on them, and after years of training, he is asleep almost instantly.