"La donna ЁЁ mobile qual piuma al vento, muta d'acc...ento e di pensier, e di pensier, e... e di pensier..." Ivan stepped out of the shower of his suite on the twentieth floor and smiled at the wall in front of him. He turned to the small speaker that was playing Pavarotti and shut it off. Still whistling the tune of the song, he turned to the towel rack and grabbed one of the white towels, wrapping it around his waist and stepping out of the shower promptly after. Once he had made it to his drawers, he dropped his towels and quickly slipped on a pair of black boxers and his guard uniform pants. It had been three years since Vlad had dropped from power, and since Ivan went to work for The Manager. He hadn't heard from or seen his old boss and friend in ages. Although he didn't mind working for The Manager, things just weren't the same. There was a steady supply of people, many of whom he had personally tortured, hunted, and fed from, but it was a bit lonely. He couldn't go to his boss' office at the end of the day and chat and laugh like he had done with Vlad. He could leave the hotel any time he wanted, but it was so secluded from everything else, there was really no point. He wasn't head of security, or co-head of operations like back at the complex, and that bothered him. He liked being in control. Nevertheless, he made due with what he had. Vlad looked down at the intercom and pressed the talk button. He was in the mood for a little fun and feeding before work. "Manager. This is Ivan. I would like a female human before I start work, if you don't mind."