Name: Evan Adams Alias: Fire Hazard Age: 25 Appearance: [img=] Personality: Evan Adams is brash and quick to action. He always keeps up a tough demeanor, refusing to look weak. His strength kept him alive in the Bronx, and it kept everybody in order. Things stayed smooth so long as the gangs respected him, maybe even feared him a little. He recognizes his powers are dangerous, hazardous, but he's convinced that's not a curse. They can be used for good, as long as he's cautious. By appearance, however, he's anything but. Adams knows he's powerful, so he's cocky and headstrong. It's difficult to give him a challenge he won't accept. Powers:The exact nature of Adams' power is undetermined, but the effects are easy to see. His abilities allow him to manifest and control fires large and small, fashion flaming projectiles, and even cause explosions of various magnitudes. He's capable of moving at superhuman speeds, though not on par with the usual speedster profile. A dangerous skillset, to be sure, but Adams also seems to have complete invulnerability to fire and heat, a trait he's been fortunate to have in a few incidents in his past. Skills: During his criminal years, Evan became good at a lot of skills that don't get used as often as you might think in the superhero trade. He's good at breaking and entering, picking locks, finding weaknesses in doors or other entrances entirely. He can hotwire a car, and even fix a handful of home electronics. He can also palm objects, pickpocket, and preform several back alley gambling games. In recent years he's proven to be an effective street brawler, and displayed extraordinary control over his abilities for someone who doesn't fully understand them. Equipment: Evan's gloves have pieces of flint embedded along to knuckles insides his palm, and his boots have thin striking surfaces on the back of the heels, like those found on matchboxes. Bio: Evan grew up in poverty in the Lower Bronx in New York. Life was never as hard as it could have been, but it never stopped him from falling into bad company in his teenage years. He started acting out, stealing things the welfare checks wouldn't pay for. Kids like him were considered lost in the system, and even in high school, he was smart enough to know it. One thing led to another, and eventually he ended up in over his head, with no way out. That is, until he accidentally blew open a lock with the snap of a finger during a break-in in the suburbs. As his powers manifested, at first he used them to rise through the ranks in his crew. After all, he made things explode and catch on fire, what else could he do with them? Although he hadn't attended a full week of classes for months prior, he dropped out officially as soon as he could at sixteen. After some time it dawned on him; this was his way out. He could step out of the crew, and nobody could really keep him from doing that. Which was good, because his crew didn't take kindly. But it was what he did next that drew the ire of all the gangs in the neighborhood. In an effort to seal up the cracks in his hometown streets that threatened to swallow him, Adams became a neutral enforcer. He kept the gangs and crews in check, sometimes with threats, sometimes with violence. But what he really wanted was to give kids, kids like he was, a chance to rise out of the Bronx. Like he never did. He was doing good with his powers. Theme Song: Other: Evan's offensive powers won't work without a flame or at least a spark, and they have a direct correlation to environmental temperatures. When he's in a cold or soggy environment, his powers aren't nearly as strong. Sorry for the delay. Power outage caused me to lose a lot and have to rewrite it, and I was a little busy in between.