My apologies for the lack of update; I promised to get the character by Thursday but I got fine amount of activity on that day and the next. Anyway, here's some beginning for my character that I've thought. I'll keep updating it today. [hider=Nestori Reponen] [b] Gender [/b] Male [b] Date of Birth [/b] seventh of April, 1921 [b] Nationality [/b] Finland [b] Appearance [/b]Nestori "Repo" Reponen stands 1.67 meters (5 feet, 5 and half inches) long. His body is quite slim with weight of 65 kilograms (147 pounds, eleven ounces). He has workers hands and decently muscular body. His face is round with chin being wide and determined. There's usually some dark stubble on chin as beard is growing quite fast but always cut. His head is bald. Eyes are dark brown and always seem like dreamy, with dark eyebrows. Nose is wide and lips are thin. Though when they go to the smile or laughter, they show enormous white teeth. He has a rose tattooed in his back, and a wound from explosive shrapnel in his front, right side. He walks quite relaxed, looking around his surroundings. Usually he looks around almost like amused little man. His usual wearing is Dress shirt with squares with cotton pants held up by suspenders. He wears long leather boots in forests and at work, or ordinary walking shoes in public. He has cotton jackets and woolen jumpers for colder weather. [b]CV[/b] A Farmer with Romani working on his farm at times. In military he is a sergeant in light infantry, specialized in guerrilla tactics, sabotage and harassment. Among Ski Troops in winter war, as well as sabotage in continuation war. He knows rifles as well as explosive, and walks in the wild like it was his second home. Speaks Finland, English and some Romani. [b]Personality [/b] Nestori is a carefree man and cheerful guy, knowing that "If god has made it happen, small man can't but adjust." He has been taught that there's no bigger sin than not doing things one can do. Though after the war he did start to drink more and talk to himself when he was alone, endlessly wondering things that he could have done differently. He's still upbeat in company. He curses those that have harmed good, well working or well living people like himself with passion and sees Russians as his mortal enemy for fighting peaceful Finland, taking many of his dear friends and their loved ones. [b] Personal history[/b] Nestori was born in a socialist "red" family. His father, Tapani, had wound his hand in Finnish civil war Nestori, alongside his two brothers called Juuso and Tapio, and his sister Loviisa, were put on work early to hunt and take good care out of the farm. In his childhood he came friends with local Romani kids, even if his parents disagreed with this. Her mother died barely before the Winter War begun, leaving Loviisa and Juuso's wife to take care of the role of the housewife. Nestori had fallen in love with a woman from another Socialist family and met her in the village's dances every week. Year 1939 came. Nestori had barely finished his military when the war between Soviets and Finns happened. Winter was harsh and cold and full of fighting in Karelian Isthmus against Soviet armored forces with pocketing tactics, but he made it through with most of his group intact. War had felt righteous, and he came back with lots of stories to tell to the family. His Brother and Father too were talking about their roles in War. But it wasn't long before they were called back to the war to claim the lands that Soviet Union had taken from the Finland. During the Continuation war Nestori was among the light infantry, scouting and harassing the soviets. In the group that he led, "the Foxes", he was known as "Fox" or "Repo" as a good forest wanderer. Among the major works they succeeded in halting trains filled with supplies. They also captured enemy lieutenants and thus further helped to gather intelligence about Russian tactics to push further into the eastern Karelia. Years 1942-1943 were mostly spent in scouting the enemy movements and harassing bigger assaults before sending warning to the superiors. When the soviets came back with force, he was wounded in an artillery strike while placing mines to slow down Russian attacks, shrapnel hitting his front. Wound didn't kill him as his group quickly treated him, but kept him in sickbed for a half a year. After the war he returned to his farm only to see many of his dear friends not been able to return alive from the war, and half of the men that had served his group in the beginning of Continuous war had died along the way. Worst of all, woman he had loved had fell in love with a German soldier and moved away with him. After the war, people had to adjust in farm life again. His older brother and father had died in war and younger had been young enough to not yet participate in the war, so the farm was in hands of the three siblings left; Nestori, Tapio and Loviisa. They managed to keep the farm going on somehow, and slowly life started to get back in shape. Though the farm is living in an edge, and anything ill happening to farm could wreck the whole thing down. Nestori did illegal hunting to get some extra money to further help his farm and to get some workers to aid them, mostly from Romani. As he got a job opportunity, he decided this was the gift from god to save his farm and give his siblings a good life. Along the way, he'd right some wrongs in the world and atone some sins he had made during the war. Due to Soviet politics, he was ordered to hide weapons in case Russians tried to attack once again. Grenades, Pistols and Rifles, as well as three machine guns are hidden in forest in place he only knows. [/hider] Please feel free to comment, as this is the first RP I'm partipaticing with in these forums.