While the auctioneer spoke of registering dragons, new owners were directed over to the office by one of the officials there. Rosalie figured she should follow before she was asked to. Was it too late to take back her bid? She began to look around quickly as she moved forward, beginning to feel like she was part of a flock of sheep. She was not too keen on the amount of time it was going to take to register her dragon, but what difference did it make from here on out? She was going to be stuck with Gore, that monstrous lizard, despite how slow or quick the registration was. The soon-to-be owners were talking amongst themselves, some saying they already had plans for their dragons and it seemed to Rosalie that they had been planning for at least months before the auction. But her? She kept her gaze on the ground out of embarrassment, not having a single clue over how she was going to cope with this. It had been a last minute decision, after all, and it certainly felt like nothing more than improvisation. If she had told any of the new owners that when asked instead of smiling and making a comment, would they have laughed or simply stared at her in disbelief? [i]What am I getting myself into? Why did I buy a dragon when the latest technology out was right there?! I was supposed to save money on this trip but... but...[/I] Rosalie wanted to lean back against a wall, press her palms against her eyes and growl lowly at her decision. Rosalie patiently waited in a large room with several others, thinking over her upcoming meeting with Gore. Things would be different this time around. First of all, no hunters and second, she would actually be around him for longer than just a few dangerous minutes. She drew in a deep breath, tilting her head back slightly to look at the pale ceiling. The room wasn’t all that big but the colours really helped to give it that illusion of space and light. It almost felt empty despite her sitting next to quite a few people. Pot plants placed in corners did add some life to the room, but the cheery atmosphere in the room at that moment was spread by the buyers. Occasionally speaking to those around her quietly, Rosalie would sometimes look at the clock mounted on the wall opposite her. With each passing minute, she was growing a bit more anxious. She didn’t know when the person before her would be done, but when the buyer and their dragon walked out of the room, Rosalie found herself close to walking away. No. She told herself quickly, reclining in her chair. She had to stay. She owed the cursed beast that much. She waited a bit, gathering her nerves all in one single breath before pushing herself out of her chair as if her own weight was more than she could bear. Each step she took brought the office closer and closer until finally, she could see a man sitting behind a desk with paperwork ready for her to sign. Strange that this room was slightly larger than the last, but Rosalie wasn’t going to dwell on the small details, choosing instead to sit down and stare the paper placed in front of her down as if locked in a staring contest. Out of the periphery of her vision, she saw there was one other in the room, but she didn’t have to look directly at him to know who. It was obvious and she shouldn’t be surprised that he was there. Besides, he had already gone ahead and signed the paper. [i]It’s not as bad as I thought...[/I] Rosalie nodded at the man, taking her time to read the rules and guidelines thoroughly, occasionally looking up at the man to ask a few questions to clarify points that she did not understand. When she was done, she signed her name in the spaces provided. “Wow... I didn’t know there were so many events available...” There were so many that it was almost impossible to choose any one that interested her. As much as she would have liked to pick one and go along with it, she did not really feel the motivation for it knowing that this dragon had drained her of the small fortune Setton had left her. If she ever saw him again, she would have a difficult time explaining this. “Of course, Ms. As I said; Gore seems as if he would stand a good chance in the arena and perhaps you could use him to win back his cost, hmm?” The man took the paper back and began to discuss a means of payment. “Of course, it’s just a suggestion,” he later added as an afterthought. “Uh... N-no! That’s fine. I’ll keep that in mind.” She was new to this, so she might as well pick up some tips whenever she could - even if it was just general knowledge to others. She decided she would figure things out later. She ended up paying for Gore just like she would with anything else she bought, pulling out a strange, clear, card with black, blunt edges that had a single white dot placed near its corners, being similar to the design of a die. This card seemed to harbour a red and blue core that glowed from time to time, the two colours sometimes mixing to form a soft magenta colour that showed its user’s account was still activated and in use. Should it be dull in colour, then it would be a concern to sellers and dealers. While the man took care of that on his computer, Rosalie would have gone back to scanning the brochures if Gore had not introduced himself. This must be some sort of procedure, she guessed. It was normal for her to feel uneasy about this, even more so when she had seen him kill many hunters three weeks earlier. Even then, she kept her distaste for him to herself and nodded slowly like she was in a bit of a daze. It was difficult for her to take in. This was actually [i]the[/I] Blood Dragon kneeling before her in human form.. Or what was close to it. It was also awkward for her to be called ‘master’, but she would try to ignore that for now. Could she really trust what he says? It sounded so formal, so different to how she had seen him speak earlier. Perhaps it was the tone? Rosalie did not care. She would have to keep an eye on him as the fear of being strangled when her guard was down never strayed too far from her mind. She could care for herself. “Mhm. It’s.. Rosalie, by the way. Nice to meet you.” She gave him a brief, small, smile and turned back to the man when he spoke. “Alright. That’s your registration and payment complete. We’ll be keeping your record here and as proof that Gore is registered under your name, these papers will be yours along with a card as convenient proof of this. Also, before you leave, I’m afraid I may have to take a moment of your time to take a quick profile picture of you and Gore.” The man moved to get the task done and when he gave her the ‘okay’, Rosalie got up, gathered what was handed to her, and moved back while the man prepared to take one of Gore. She took this chance to look the dragon over, shaking her head at the fresh wounds she spotted. Surely there should have been a discount offered for his new wounds, but of course that was wishful thinking.