The Blood Dragon kept his teal eyes on his new master. He was observing her but not like he had the hunters prior. The same look that Marian had seen earlier was still there, only something new was as well. Relief? Could the Dragon actually feel some sort of relief that this girl, this random child that wandered into his home..could be his new master? There were many different types, Sadistic, controlling, cruel. Though this girl seemed to only suffer from the bark worse than the bite. He heard her during the battle and how she complained and blamed him. An opinionated brat at most, but maybe..there is more to this one. She helped him once before with the newer more painful arrows. Maybe she won't beat him like the many before her. "Aye..Rosalie. I shall nay ever forget it Master." Said her new property, making him look at the door. He wanted to ask where they could get a saddle so she can actually ride him comfortably instead of bareback like she had before. His scales could hurt a human if they stay on him too long.Though he couldn't speak out. Especially now when he's enslaved and sold off like a piece of meat. "If Master wishes it, I will claim the arena in the name of Sylvazard.." With a cough, he bowed his head and moved back. He didn't mean to speak out but when someone mentioned the arena, he figured that he would say what was on his mind. In his culture, it was one of the greatest of things to fight in. Only the Humans wouldn't know that..few Dragons would remember it as well. Most of them were young and childish and had no clue who they were or where they came from. Though deep down? The Blood Dragon didn't want to hurt the others of his kind. It wasn't right and even a warrior such as him knew that. That's when Gore's eyes looked up at the posters of the pictures that hung up of the more famous Dragons, making Gore's eyes widen at one particular one. "..." Biting his tongue, he kept himself from throwing the table or moving in anyway. The picture clearly bothered him but hopefully the humans didn't notice. Usually they were too busy with their own dealings and often found themselves dribbling on about some other topic besides caring for a 'tool'. Hah a tool! Gore's observation's of his new master quickly ended when she spoke back toward the tips of the arena, making him smile to himself. She really had no clue about what she was doing did she? The way she acted, it seemed like she hated every minute of this. Did she really not care that she owned him? The Blood Dragon found that rather insulting, if only he knew that she would think some technology outside would out-do him. -HIM-. At least she can make profit off of him, save fuel costs among other things -and- she got a servant. The last one though, her Dragon would never say. Taking a deep breath, the Blood Dragon blinked when they mentioned pictures, tilting his head. He had no clue what they were even if he did notice the image earlier on the board. Taking a step back, he watched as his Master took one, then blinked at the registration manager, tilting his head at him. What was going on?! When the manager came closer with the Camera, Gore tensed and actually looked concern. "Master, what is that.." He asked, staring at the contraption that took his picture. A growl left his lips, narrowing his eyes at the device that made the flashy noise thing! Leaning closer to it, he wanted to touch it to see if it was a weapon, but quickly recoiled when the registration manager chuckled and moved back to his desk. Gore's eyes never left the device until he found himself being ushered toward his owner, that is when the registration manager smiled, setting down a collar with a slightly heavy chain, nodding to Rosalie. "This is his collar, it doesn't really do anything and for him? If he wanted to get away, chances are he'd drag you. Most owners use these just for their self image and to make themselves feel as if they're in control. If you want it, it's complimentary..Speaking of which, do you want us to try and set up Dragon riding lessons for you?" The Dragon bit his tongue harder to keep himself from scoffing. The girl seemed to fight him when they got in the air during the battle. So much for saving her life from her own people. Who knows what happened to her after he let her go but looking at her now? She still had a few cuts, one in particular that actually did get his attention. The arrow that caused him to bring his wings up in defense of her, causing him to take even more damage to himself. Despite that, he did feel somewhat guilty for making her go through all of that. After all was said and done, the man stood up to shake the girls hand, smiling to her. "It really was an honor Ms. Sylvazard. If you have any questions, please call the number listed and get back to us. I personally would like to see him more often. Hah when I was even younger than you I always had figures of the Blood Dragon..Now he's right here!" Looking over at the man, Gore tilted his head. Everything that man just said..was a complete loss on him. Why was he so happy to see him!? Did he have any idea who he was? The things the very Dragon they were registering had done to their kind!? It looked as if the only people who really cared that were present at the moment were his master! When the man pulled out an old looking Gore figure, it was the size of your average toy. The second he saw it, Gore took a step closer to it, nodding. "..What manner of sorcery is this..There lies a tiny version of me." Leaning closer to it, Gore couldn't stop himself this time, he scoffed. "..Nay am I such a foul looking creature..the snout is square.." Gore said, nodding. The man seemed to burst out laughing when the Dragon reacted like he had, but then again being away for centuries as this legendary creature had been, one couldn't expect him to know everything there was, especially about his figurines, action figures and other things. "Haha my boy that's an action figure, that and back when you were around they didn't have pictures or anything like they do today, so the details are a wee bit outta touch." Said the registration manager with a nod, sighing faintly. Gore nodded and looked over to Rosalie, seeming a little disheartened. He didn't know what was to come next but it seemed they could leave now. Moving behind Rosalie, he smiled to her. "Master..shall we be residing here for the time being, or will you wish for me to take you home?" He asked, looking back at the registration manager. "Are there any area's where we can either rest or obtain a saddle?" Asked her Dragon, already taking up the part of her servant. He wanted to make sure everything was handled. With that, they were escorted outside where they were left alone, though Gore quickly started to draw attention. "..Master, may I speak freely?" He asked, looking at her. If she said yes, he would continue. "I never had reason to say such before, nay to any human at least..but thank you. Had you not spoken out, I would sure be dead..I also would like to thank you for removing those arrows. They had not felt all too pleasant." He said, nodding to her. Depending on what she wanted, they would either go get a saddle, or find an Inn. If she was truly broke and couldn't afford either one, Gore would offer his services to pay for anything that she required, in which the owners of each establishment would accept. After many could say they had the Blood Dragon working for them?