[quote=ImANargleHunter] I don't have a computer or iPod or anything. [/quote] That's rough. You can usually get a decent Walmart computer for like 200 bucks, if you felt inclined to save some money for something just for puttering around online and what not instead of doing anything that requires graphics. I'm probably going to save up for a cheapo laptop for traveling, personally. EDIT: Also, Shoegaze is the oddest genre name for alt-rock ever. I first heard about it/ some examples on the radio last fall with that 'Secret History of Rock with Alan Cross', which I highly recommend looking up if you love learning about music. The show was about punk music and a lot of the alternative offshoots that kind of came off of the same movement, shoegaze was actually one of the ones that was brought up. Can't say I care for it much, but it's not really bad. Just a bit off for my tastes.