Edwin nodded and said, "I thought that might be the case." Looked at the computer and said, "I'll bet a year's pay that USB drive is password encrypted." Edwin looked at Elise and said, "Your sister was a very smart and creative young lady. There has got to be something on that drive. Something worth going through this trouble to protect. See what you can find out on it and if you run across a password program try anything related to a Raven. Like Poe, Midnight, Gothic, things of that nature. So far everything that we have found is tying into this raven and Snow White." Edwin sat on the bed and began to look around. His eyes locked in on a stack of books and Edwin approached them. According to the spines they were a series of fairy tales and they were very old. Edwin opened up the top book which was a printing of [I] Red Riding Hood[/I] and there was an inscription that read "To Peg, cherish these as I cherish you. Love, Aunt Sally." Edwin read enough on the family history to know that Peg was their grandmother so these must've been passed down to Sierra. Then Edwin called over to Elise and said, "Notice this stack of books. See anything odd? Because I do." He stood next to them and said, "They're all facing the same way. All but this one in the middle, and I'll bet next year's pay on what book it is." Edwin pulled the book out and said, "Hello [I]Snow White[/I]. Now the question why is it sitting the way it was?" Edwin smiled and said, "Bright side I get to keep next year's pay. That's gonna make my ex-wife so happy." He sat down and began browsing through the book