NOTE: This is still work in progress, but I figured i would get what I have posted and OK'd I start typing up more for it considering that the concept is a bit strange things still in progress History: want to fill it out a bit more Personality: same as above Abilities: is blank other then concepts Extra information: will likely use this spot for most of his Aeon stuff if the idea gets cleared ------- Picture of your character: [Url=]Alphonse[/url] Name: Alphonse Age: uncertain, looks mid 30s Personality: Alphonse is a quiet man his actions normally end up speaking louder the he does, Stoic is another word to put to him, it takes a fair amount to get a reaction out of him, that is not to say he is cold, just he doesn’t show much of what he is feeling to all but those he trusts most. In battle, however, is another story. History: The world holds many secrets that people would never uncover, with the reappearance of Sin, however, some of those lost secrets have resurfaced, Alphonse is one such secret. He is a lost Fayth from a time long long ago, similar to Yojimbo or Anima, the difference between Alphonse and other Aeons is that he does not need a summoner to interact with the world as he is not bound in a stone tablet, though he still needs one to take on his Aeon form. Warrior Class: Assassin/Aeon Weapon, if any: A seemingly simple saber. It is very well taken care of. Alphonse refers to it as Eris. Abilities: (WIP: concept for skill revolve around debuffs such as poison and such) Extra Information: His status as an Aeon is currently one of his closely guarded secrets, as he is still unfamiliar with the culture of the new age.[Url=] Aeon form[/url] Open to romance: Yes